A Bland Beginning.

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Saffron found herself swinging through large jungle vines on the outskirts of Kijani, again. Escaping from the three headed K-9 hunters. It's not easy being a free-lance bounty hunter, when there's always a bounty on your head as well. This bounty would pay enough to cover her next couple of rations, and maybe a real place to sleep for the night. 

Reaching to her belt clip she released the gas canister into the thick foliage below her. The condensed gas would spray a powdery mist, and throw the K-9 hunters off her trail. Unfortunately, it bonked one of the K-9 heads spewing the light grey mist all over it. The K-9 stopped in its tracks, and confusedly started attacking itself. “Lucky shot, Saff.” she thought.

Relieved, she continued her journey and found herself sitting atop a decaying building looking out on the suns setting one after the other. It became dark quite quickly which meant the search lights would soon start scanning from the city. She stood and attempted to climb through a hole in the ceiling, but it caved under her weight and gave her a not-so-graceful entry. A few large bugs crawled into small holes in the wall. “Finally some good food around here” she said quietly as she picked up one of the bugs which was almost the size of her arm. 

Later after she’d cooked and eaten half of it, the sky was completely dark. She searched for a place to rest for the night. A small storage closet filled with papers and shelves, perfect size for one. She climbed onto the top shelf and stored her belongings on the one below her. Out quick as light from the days before, she had not gotten to rest one bit. Dreaming sweet dreams about the wonderful luxurious bed she would sleep in once she got her next bounty payment. 

Morning came and Saffron woke up to a loud thump from outside the door, followed by a metallic shriek. “The Bounty-Bots must be here” she thought as she quickly put her gear on and retrieved the small one-shot disposable blaster from her belt. She slowly moved towards the door and listened closely. The noises had stopped but she could tell they weren't gone, they don't leave a building till they've searched every single spot. 

“Come on just open the door and get it over with” she thought as she put her hand on the door knob. With a quick decided thrust she flung open the door ready to shoot. She was met with an empty room. A thin haze hung in the air as she noticed there was nothing there that wasn't there the night before. She could tell, however, she was not alone in the building.

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