Chapter 1

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AN: this is my first story so I'm sorry if it is not very good or if it takes a while to be completed. Also this story is from Eliza's point of view.

"WAKE UP!",my sister Angelica screems. I get up and turn around to look at my clock.(BTW this is not a digital clock they didn't exactly have those back then) OMG!! It's already 7:50 and we have to leave at 8:00. I have so much to do. So I get up and put on my big beautiful blue dress. We are sneaking out to the city to watch all the guys at work.  We have to act like we are helping out at the church because father doesn't like us going to the city sadly. He won't tell us why!! Anyway, I went down stairs to get some food before we left and dad was (of course) there confirming where we were going to be that day. Finally he let us go to "church". When we got in the city everything was so..... I don't know, just amazing. Bustling with life and excitement. I wish I could come here all the time. My sisters, Peggy and Angelica Schuyler, and I started walking around downtown. Everywhere I looked I saw posters and all sorts of things taking about independence and the revolution . It's so cool to be living in this time. Even thought there is fighting on our shore I couldn't help but to think about how lucky we are to be alive right now. I mean think about it, history is happening in Manhattan and I just happened to live in the greatest city in the world. So anyway the Schuyler name is a sign of richness and honor so I wasn't surprised to see the men start coming up to us. Sadly one of those men was Aaron Burr :(.  He is always hitting on us and it's not super fun. But Angelica knows how to get him to leave:). We finished up our walk so we could get home in time for Father to come home. When he got there we sat and had dinner. It was steak with mashed potatoes and green beans. It was very good and I was famished from the long day on the city. I thought diner was going pretty well. Then Father asked how are day was. I was scared because I didn't know what to say and I knew Peggy didn't either. But thankfully,as always, Angelica saved the day. " It was very good. We helped many people and worked hard. How was your day Father", she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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