🖤🔥 The car and the boy 🔥🖤

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Damm. You were hungry. Luckily for you you had some food still in your backpack. Throwing the bag to the ground and unzipping the bag. "What?" You said as you ruffled through the bag. Are you becoming crazy because you knew for sure you still had some bread slices in your bag. That meant..... "Great. Now I have to find food" you said getting up and throwing your backpack back over your shoulder. You looked around. Destroyed buildings, destroyed buildings, des- a grass field?. That was your ticket. You left the road to walk to the field. It was big when you got over a small hill. You glared around. Wait what was that?. A farm. That meant. Food!. You speed walked towards it. The lands were half destroyed. And you couldn't really bake or cook so you had to find something simple. Like corn. You only needed to wash that. And you were right for once. There was some corn. Not much but enough for you to live a few weeks on. Of course it was going to spoil so you had to search further. You dropped a few in your bag and held one in your hand. Water. Where was water when you need it. A there. Next to the ranch was a faucet that dripped water out. You took a few water drops in your finger and smelled. There was nothing wrong with the smell so you filled your water bottle back and washed the corn. Then took a bite out of it. It was good. As you walked past the the stables something catched your eye. You walked backwards to look again. You threw the now empty stick. Without corn. "Wow" you gasped. There was a car underneath a old blanket. You looked around. It looked old and dirty. No sight of a person from who the car was. You firmly grabbed the blanket and pulled it off. Your mouth fell to your feet. There was a brand new car underneath it. You expected a normal car with some bumps here and there. Well not. Not even a scratch. How what that possible. "Dammmm" you said kneeling towards the beautiful paint job. Your fingers moving over the metal. You got back up. And looked inside. No way. The key were still inside. You opened the door and got inside. There was a note on the passenger seat. 'The new Limited Edition Car with survival mode' was written on it. There was a big button with start on it. You clicked it. The car made a sound of activation. "Hello" the car spoke. You screamed. Bumping your head against the door. You rubbed your head. It was a female voice. "Thank your for activating me. How can I help you?" The car asked. Right. High technology. "Umm hi. I don't know. What can you do" you asked rubbing your head more. But this time because of confusion. "I can warm up your food, bring you to destinations, click a bed out on the backseat, turn on music, active massage seat, have a conversation with you-" the car spoke. But you held your hands up. "Okey wow a lot of things. Probably to many for me to stay concentrated" you said. "Can you drive automatically?" You asked. Sleeping and driving towards wherever you want was such a gift. "Of course. Would you like me to move from here?" The car asked. "Sounds good to me" you said leaning back as the car drove forward. So cool!. "To where?" The car asked. Right. "Uhh out of town to uhh. Surprise me" you said. The car understood and drove a little faster towards the boundary. "May I ask for your name?" You turned your head from the widow to the desk. "Y/n. Yours?" You asked. If you be handy to call a name instead of limited edition car. "I don't have a name" the car answered. That was sad. "How about LEC. It stand for your production name" you said. That was something easy. It wasn't a real name for a car. But better then half a sense. "I like that. Thank you" the female voice said. You nodded. You thought. Music. You haven't heard that in a while. Leaning down to search for a button with a music tone on it. "If you want to change my settings then touch the screen. I'm sorry if you expected higher" the car spoke. You looked up. Swinging your hands around. "No! No! I was just looking for a music button. You are just great the way you are!, You said. The car had somehow emotions?. "Really?" The voice asked. "Yeah by far. You are the coolest I've ever seen in my life" you said expressing your interest towards it A song got played. Damm. It had been some time. It had been some time driving and you got thirsty. "Hey mind stopping? I need to drink" you asked. The car locker jumped down. "Wodka? Beer? Or just water?". Your mouth hang back to your feet. Even though you were Sitting. "I'm always in for some good beer" you said. Two metal hands shot out from somewhere and grabbed the beer and opened it. Giving you the drink. "It's cold? You really are the highest technology" you said taking a sip. The car giggled. "I'm glad you think so" she spoke. After a few sips you crushed it together. Another little cupboard clicked open. A trashcan inside. You threw it inside. "Oh please marry me" you said hugging the steer wheel. The soft giggling was back. "I have arrived at the destination" she said. You stepped out. Closing the door behind you. You were in front of a old gas station. "Alright I'll be back in a bit" you said getting inside by crashing the door in two. The light was blinking. Making it more creepy then it already was. The air smelled absolutely disgusting. Oh well. You walked around and took some useful things with you. Then you saw a few magazines. Many categories. The technology of now, the beginning of the apocalypse, the best jokes, tabloids and more. Your eyes catched a book.
"I'm taking you with me" you said. Then the light suddenly stopped. Now standing in full darkness. You grabbed your flashlight for some light. "Grrrr" a animal said. You turned to the sound. Your flashlight landing on a dog. A big angry dog. "Typical" you said sad as you took a run back. "Start the engine!" You screamed. Throwing down things behind you so it would block the exit. The car did as you said. Opening the door and you flew inside. "Go! Go!" You said in panic as the dog broke free. You held your seat as the car start drove away. Using a lot of gas. You exhaled deeply. "That was close" you said relaxing but still holding your shirt. Where your heart was. "Your heartbeat increased highly is this a heart attack? Because in that case" a electric machine shot out to reanimate you. You waved your hands around. "Nope. But good thing to know you can do that" you said laughing. The machine got clapped back in. It was getting late. So you told the car to park on a hill with some great view. Now. You sitting on the ground. Your legs dangling over the ground. "My last activation was a few years ago. May I ask what happened?" She asked. You hugged your knees. "Honestly I don't really know. My last day remembering everything was fine and then the next day BOOM. Buildings destroyed. The people gone. I think earth died. Or is dying" you said. "Does that make you feel sad?" She asked. You turned your head towards the car. "Yeah. But at least I have someone to talk to again" you smiled getting up and rubbing the hood of the car. "Your heat temperature is getting low. Would you like me to turn on the heaters?" She asked. You smiled. But she was right. The nights could get cold. You got back inside. Suddenly the backseats clapped out to a bed. "So I can just sleep?" You asked. "Yes. I'll active my shield so you will be completely save" she spoke. You yawned and nodded. Laying down and you pet the desk. "Good night" you said. Falling asleep. "Goodnight y/n" LEC said whispering. The next morning you woke up with beach sounds. Your hair was looking absolutely horrible. So you ruffled your hair back together as it should be. Stretching your body as you looked through the window. "You drove without waking me up? I've been sensitive for every noise while sleeping. But I didn't wake up from your driving" you said rubbing your chin. "I'm made to drive silent. And how was your sleep?" She asked. "It was good. Thanks for asking" you said getting out. "I've done research in my database only to find out you need a shower or bath as well" she spoke. "So you're telling me I stink?" You said in a serious tone. "No sir! You smell fine. I was just trying to help" she said. Smell?. Since when could a car smell things?. Or saying sir. "I was kidding. Don't worry about it" you said dropping your act as you laughed. "I'm not understanding humour yet" she spoke. Well it wasn't human so that was understandable. Your stripped your shirt off. You moved to your pants but then. "Nah" you said toes already in water. You washed yourself. Not embarrassed with a car watching. With some help from the sun you got dry easily. "That was refreshing" you said. You began putting your clothes back on. "So who build you?" You asked out of curiosity. There was a silence. "I don't know my maker. People have been messing with my reset" LEC said. "Well for what I know, you are very advanced"

She giggled as her act worked.

Destruction of earth was done by the wheels of L.E.C

Character says nothing.

I've done it again. Hope you enjoyed it. There won't be a part 2.
Word count 1699

A Destroyed Planet With A (DANGEROUS) CarKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat