Chapter 1

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Here i am sitting in my wardrobe with my few friends banging on my door and yelling at me to hurry up but i cant find anything good to wear i swear iv'e been through everything in  my closet three times and i cant fi- 

my thoughts were then interrupted by my two best friends barging through my door

"come on Louis just pick something were just going to a pub"Niall said while pulling me up from the ground 

Eventually after about 30 minutes Louis had finally gotten dressed wearing a jersey with the last name of Tomlinson on the back, some black skinny jeans and high top converse. They hopped into liams car now they are arriving at the pub.

As soon as the group of 3 entered the pub it became a group of one for Louis, the others went straight to the dance floor and started grinding on each other, i already knew it was gonna happen 

Louis on the other hand went straight to the bar and ordered four shots and took them all in a matter of seconds so he was a bit tipsy but not much he can handle his alcohol.

after about seven shots of tequila he decided to go dance,as soon as he stood up he tripped and fell

He closed his eyes expecting to hit the floor but when he didn't he looked up and the first thing he noticed was green eyes and dimples

"you can stop staring yknow" the green eyed man chuckled while licking his lips

"i-i was not staring" Louis then stood straight up in doing so he reached out to grip onto something to help him stand and he accidentally griped the green eyed lads lower region causing him to let out a breathy groan 

"your moving fast" he chuckles"you haven't even bought me a drink yet silly"

"w-what?" Louis felt a twitch in his hand causing Him to look down and thats when he noticed just what he was holding onto "oh shit im sorry yea ill just remove my hand now.

 harry smirked "you could have left it, wouldn be much of an issue to me,

Louis just looked at him without saying anything

"so are we gonna dance blue?" Louis blushed at the nickname 

"as long as your gonna take me home after" louis said while smirking drunkenly 

they went to the dance floor dancing to the beat dance, and ordering shot after shot till they are both out of it and before Louis knows whats going on he can feel the curly heads hot breath on his neck causing him to gasp and push his ass even more into the curly lad and once thing leads to another and eventually Louis and harry are making they're way back to Louis still making out in the back seat of a cab both a moaning and sweaty mess.

As soon as Louis closes his door hes being shoved against the wall while the curly lads hands are exploring every inch of him  and Louis loving it

They slowly but surly make their way up to the bedroom harry immediately pushing louis onto the bed and climbing on top of the small boy whos whimpers could probably be heard through the hall after 2 rounds louis decided to go to sleep leaving harry to clean him off  

Louis woke up the next day with a horrible headache but frankly that's not the first thing he realized as he soon found a mop of curls cuddled next to him ,naked so he did as any normal person would

got a cup of water and dumped it over the curly boy 

"holy shit what was that for"he yelled in a deep raspy voice as he sprung up from his sleeping position 

"hey did we use a condom?" louis said trying to focus on remembering what happened 

"shit i dont remember" harry said starting to panic 

they spent the next twenty minutes looking everywhere they can to find the missing condom they never did

"its fine ill just go get the morning after pill" louis sad silently sighing 

" well goodbye curly it was nice meeting you"

" goodbye blue hope to see you again someday"harry said winking

"pft in your dreams"

 And with that Louis went into the shower and curly went home but all harry could think about was the blue eyed wonder he doesn't remember the name of.

      hey this is my first book but i hope you like it!

 im sorry the chapter is so short but i wanted to get harry and louis meeting out of the way.

But anyway if anyone reads this let  me know what you think:) 

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