
24 3 13

1. Please use the characters
2. Ask please or I might get confused (cause I'm a bit dense)
3. please use "" when talking and play in 3rd POV
4. I will tell you if I prefer a character but I don't mind playing another
5.make sure to tell me the ship
6. Use () these when talking outside of the rp
7. Respect others ships
8. Cussing is aloud. But tell me if it makes you uncomfortable because I cuss a lot
9. Try not go to occ a little bit is okay
10. I don't care the ship as long as its not remus x roman (unless its platonic) because I personally believe that since they are brothers they shouldn't date. I mean no hate to people that do ship them I just don't get it and would like to refrain from having it in this book.
11. FEEL FREE TO TAG ME!! I sometimes miss your comment and I will sometimes need u to tag me! I also don't mind being tagged. It doesn't bother me!!
12.Have fun!
(I may add more rules)

The fandoms I'm in
Umbrella academy
Stranger things
Harry pottah!!
Percy jackson
And a few more...

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