The Bathroom

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        Summer was in full swing; after Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo had applied and been hired to the same job at a local gas station, the days had flown by quickly. The location near their homes offered a quick and easy way for the both of them to make a little extra cash. U.A. High School wasn't cheap, and most of the burden fell on their parents. So when the time came for summer vacation, the green-haired boy babbled endlessly about how excited he was to start his new job and help his mother with payments. Katsuki was not thrilled by his classmates enthusiasm, and decided that he would get a job as well just to prove that he could do it better.   
        Night shift required 3 people be on staff for the safety and security of the store, though Katsuki argued that he and his two fists could cover it. Regardless of this compelling argument, Katsuki and Izuku had been assigned to work night shifts together. They had both completed their training and settled into their nightly routine with a third coworker, a cute short haired girl named Kami who was close in age, but did not attend U.A. high school. Her red hair crowned her head, and her eyes were an odd shade of purple. Not that strange eye colors were uncommon, Katsuki himself had eyes the shade of burning coals. Her long acrylic nails seemed to change every day to keep up with the latest trends, and Izuku wondered just how much she spent on her nails alone. Kami worked hard for her money alongside her two male coworkers. She always enjoyed their company, even through the long nights of dull work.
          "Good evening Katsuki-kun!" Kami greeted with her squeaky voice as Bakugo slammed the employees-only door open and walked through carrying his work clothes. He was wearing a black tank top with dark grey joggers and some comfortable running shoes. He had headphones over his ears and quiet rap music could be heard.
          Katsuki didn't have time to greet everyone he saw. Especially when he was going to see on average a hundred people throughout the night. Why couldn't he just get a few quiet moments before he was doomed to participate in customer service.
          Not that he was any good at treating people with the insane level of respect that was expected of anyone that worked in retail. Like he was going to let strangers verbally abuse him just because they give business to their store. If he learned anything in the few short weeks he had been employed, it was that the customer most certainly was not always right.
         "Whatever, shouldn't you be up front?" Bakugo scoffed, pulling his headphones down to his neck. Kami had a bad habit of just abandoning customers to go talk to her work friends. Not that Bakugo considered his coworkers to be friends or anything.
"Oops!" Kami laughed and skipped back up front where five customers were waiting in line, obviously unhappy about not getting service that was anything other than immediate. Bakugo walked into the office where the clock in machine was located. He glanced down at his work clothes which were probably the ugliest things he had ever laid eyes on. Bright yellow? Khaki pants? It couldn't be any worse. If anyone had a problem with what he was currently wearing, they could take it up with him. Opening his locker and shoving his belongings inside, a small grey bottle fell to the floor causing the teen to quickly redden and scramble to pick it up before anyone saw.
         Right as Bakugo was getting ready to clock in and start his shift, he heard some shuffles and the back door closing. He looked out of the office to find Izuku rushing inside with arms full of coats, work clothes, drinks, and his notebooks. The kid always had to have a notebook with him because sometimes mumbling to himself like a lunatic just wasn't enough.
         "Hi Kacchan!" Izuku chirped as he met his childhood friend in the office. The green haired boy's eyes shown with excitement and enthusiasm for whatever the workday had in store for him. This was why he was a customer favorite. His cute smile and happy go lucky attitude was enough to win the heart of any angry person.
        "Shut up, Deku." Bakugo growled. "Tonight is going to be so slow, everyone's going to that new hero museum that opened up on the other side of town. This place is going to be abandoned. What a waste of time."
          Izuku took off his t-shirt to replace it with his uniform. Smiling enthusiastically, he tried to cheer the blond up, "I'm sure we can find something to do tonight, we could always clean!" he said while about to pull his work shirt over his toned chest.
          "Wait, nerd." Bakugo barked and grabbed Izuku's arms, who yelped and dropped the shirt to the floor. He looked the moss haired boy up and down and what he saw delighted him. Bite marks, bruises, hickies, and small burns riddled Izuku's torso from top to bottom. Bakugo was pleased that all of those marks had been made the night before despite the smaller boy's protests. He was in charge after all.
           All of this had started about two weeks after both boys had started working at the store. Izuku had been tasked with going outside and organizing the shed that had all the extra stock inside. It was the dead of summer and the shed was stuffy, so, to Izuku's surprise, he had been given permission to take his shirt off while he was outside working since he was alone and no one would see him. Bakugo had ran outside to grab some extra cups and when he saw his childhood friend there, covered in sweat and shirtless, something in him had snapped and next thing they both knew they were getting it on inside the work shed.
             There had been something so exciting about potentially getting caught and Izuku, even though he was fully aware of his own sexuality, had never been touched the way Bakugo touched him that day. It was eye opening and from that day forward he knew he had feelings for his blond friend. Now if Katsuki returned those feelings, the moss haired boy didn't know but he was content at that moment.
            "I-Is there a problem, Kacchan....?" Izuku stuttered while his face turned red. Bakugo snorted and shook his head, then revealed a quick smirk, looking the teen up and down lustfully.
           "Just enjoying the nice view." He purred, slowly running his eyes over every inch of the smaller boy's perfect body.
           "Better get to work," Katsuki said after a few silent moments and scooped the shirt off the floor and shoved it at Izuku after he took one last look at him. The taller boy walked out of the office without changing. Izuku continued to stand stunned before he pulled himself together and finished dressing out for work. He didn't think he'd ever get used to being the object of Katsuki's attention.
           The two boys walked to the front of the store and behind the counter where Kami still had a long line of customers. A man stepped out of line and walked over to the area where Bakugo was counting his drawer to make sure it was ready to go inside the cash register.
           "Can you give me some service? I've been waiting for ten minutes-"
Bakugo slammed his fist on the counter in a sudden explosion of annoyance and smoke poured out of his nose. "Shut up!" He growled. "You made me lose my place! Now I have to count all this change again!"
The man, appalled, looked the teenager up and down, noticing he didn't have a uniform on.
            "Do you even work here?" He barked. "Everyone else here has a uniform, why are you in such degenerate clothing?"
              Bakugo's eyes narrowed and orange and yellow sparks crackled from the palm of his hands. "Keep talking to me like that and I'll show you what a degenerate really is, old man."
           The man gasped at the lack of professionalism but was too scared to argue and took his place back in line. All the rattled customers then formed a single file line with fearful mumbles about what the angry cashier might do to them if they acted out of place.
          Izuku finished counting his drawer first and smiled while inviting the waiting customers to come over to his line. A few people hurried over and just melted when they saw his cute and excited smile.  No one dared line up in front of Bakugo's register for fear of being yelled at.
          "Stupid," he mumbled while walking away from his register and started to wipe down counters. Pretty soon all the customers had been taken care of and the three employees were left with nothing to do but every day cleaning tasks.  No matter how empty the store was, there was a never ending list of menial busy work for them to do.
           "We can start with dusting the counters! And then the windows! And then we can mop the floors and..." Izuku mumbled excitedly to himself. His eyes moved rapidly as if reading an invisible list set before him.
           Katsuki rolled his eyes and placed his headphones over his ears, an action that was clearly forbidden in the employee handbook. He didn't care as long as it drowned out the noise coming from the shorter boy. In contrast, he didn't seem to mind the noises coming from Izuku's mouth when they were alone together. Katsuki shook the thought from his head and grabbed the mop and bucket from the supply closet.
    Kami and Izuku were working together at wiping down and restocking shelves, one of them occasionally returning to a register to assist customers that trickled in. As they were working side by side, Kami looked over and noticed a dark purple patch nestled into Izuku's collarbone, barely exposed by his shirt.
    "Izuku, what happened? Did you get into a fight?" she inquired, pointing to Izuku's neck. His body was often riddled with marks and bruises from his time in training to be a Pro Hero. Izuku looked at her, puzzled until he traced his eyes to where her finger was pointing.
    "O-oh!" he let out a startled noise. "I don't know what you're talking about," he tried to deflect her questioning by quickly pulling his shirt up to cover the incriminating evidence. His face turned impossibly red.
    "Oh c'mon, I already saw that big bruise. Just tell me what happened," Kami pressed further. Her expression turned mischievous. " wasn't a fight you got into..?" she finished suggestively.
    Izuku knew Kami wasn't going to let him go without some sort of explanation to sate her need for good gossip. He also knew he couldn't admit that the artist behind the colorful bruises was currently mopping the floors of this very store. If it became known that they were in a relationship, they would no longer be scheduled together as per company policy. Izuku didn't want that, Katsuki was one of the things he looked forward to most about work.
    "You can't tell anybody," Izuku said, leaning in towards Kami, "but I had a one-night-stand," he whispered and finished with a wink. The lie seemed to satisfy Kami, as she grinned from ear to ear and giggled.
    "Oooo, Izuku I never knew you were such a ladies man," she said, still giggling.
    "Who said it was a lady?" Izuku said, just loud enough so that Kami could hear him.
    As if on cue, Katsuki had mopped his way to where they were standing in front of a shelf. His headphones were hanging around his neck, and Izuku wondered how long he had been listening to their conversation.
    "Oi, Deku, you've got a boyfriend? Figures, you twink. You're a bottom, aren't you pussy boy?" Kami gasped at Katsuki's vulgarity, but Izuku felt a twinge of excitement at the dirty words. Katsuki smirked at the way Izuku shifted uncomfortably in response to his words.
    "Kacchan, please-" Izuku forced a chuckle to make it seem like they were just joking around.
    "Yeah, I bet that's what you say to the guys that fuck you too," Katsuki pushed further. Izuku's not one to enjoy being humiliated, but something about the way Katsuki spoke down to him was turning him on. He had to get away.
    "I'm going to the bathroom!" Izuku blurted out as he started to walk away. Katsuki watched with a smirk, but Kami was left confused as ever after witnessing what had happened.
    Bakugo walked away from Kami, who was still trying to figure out who her coworker hooked up with, and shouted that she should cover the front while he goes to mop the men's bathroom. He could hear her footsteps walking towards the counter as he slammed open the door to the small restroom, dragging the mop bucket behind him. There were only two stalls that Izuku could be in, and based on their previous encounters in the bathroom, he would be in the larger one.
    "Deku," Katsuki called out gruffly, "open the door."
    "You embarrassed me," Izuku's voice came from the other side, "I don't wanna talk." He sounded as if he was on the verge of tears.
    "I'm not interested in talking," Katsuki said, pounding a fist on the door. "Now open up."
    The door swung open to reveal Izuku, sitting on the floor despite it's questionable cleanliness. His face was buried in his arms resting on his knees, and he refused to look up at Katsuki.
    "What are you doing on the floor, stupid," it wasn't really a question, and Izuku didn't answer. Katsuki grabbed Izuku's chin and yanked it so that their eyes met.
    "I asked you a question," Katsuki said, voice dripping with a malice that no longer hurt Izuku. With the pressure of Katsuki's hand on his neck, Izuku stood. Feeling bold, he pushed Katsuki against the wall and pressed their lips together.
    "And I didn't feel like answering," responded Izuku, after separating himself from Katsuki.
That was the wrong answer.
    Katsuki slammed and locked the stall door and pushed Izuku to his knees in front of him in one swift movement. With strong fingers lacing through his hair, Izuku complied and sunk to his knees like a sinner praying for forgiveness. Katsuki smirked at his lover's submissiveness; Izuku had always yielded to him, even when they were small.
    "Now," said Katsuki, "I think you owe me an apology. Good boys don't act out like that."
    The taller boy pulled down his joggers along with his boxers just far enough so that his erection could spring free. Though Izuku was worried about being caught, he couldn't help but salivate at the thought of taking the whole 6 inches down his throat while in the work bathroom. And that was about to become much more than just a thought.
    Izuku pressed his head forward, opening his mouth to take in just the large head at first. He sucked and ran his tongue over the sensitive tip, earning a stifled moan from Katsuki. He slowly started to take more and more into his mouth, eyes watering as it started to hit the back of his throat.
    "We gotta make this quick, Deku," Katsuki said through gritted teeth. He grabbed a fistful of Izuku's hair and forced him to take his entire length. Izuku looked up at Katsuki with eyes full of lust, and with his mouth pressed up totally against his pelvis. He began to move Izuku's head back and forth to meet with the thrust of his hips. It was getting difficult to hold in his moans.
    The sound of footsteps down the hall towards the restroom caused them both to freeze. Izuku's lips were still wrapped around Katsuki's length when the door swung open with a creak and a man walked in. The boys kept dead silent, and Katsuki's eyes met Izuku's panicked ones. The man's shoes clicked against the tile as he walked up to a urinal. Katsuki brought one finger up to his lips as a warning, and with his other hand still knotted in with Izuku's hair, began to pump his hips in a steady rhythm.
Izuku's thoughts raced through his head, but the cock in his mouth kept him from senselessly muttering. What if that man hears? What if we get caught? We could get fired! All the while Katsuki was fully enjoying himself, his face screwed up in ecstasy.
After what seemed like hours, the man left the bathroom and the two boys were alone again. Katsuki began to slam Izuku's head back and forth with more vigor. Izuku could not help but to palm his own growing erection through his khakis. Both of them actually seemed to be fueled further by the possibility of getting caught.
"Such a good boy, Deku. Keeping quiet while sucking my cock." Izuku whimpered at Katsuki's dirty words. He swirled his tongue around Katsuki's length that was pounding into his mouth furiously now. Katsuki was about to finish and he could tell.  With the hand that was not gripping his own cock, Izuku reached up and grabbed Katsuki's ass to pull him all the way down his throat, sending him over the edge as the throat around him tightened.
"G-gonna cum..." Katsuki stuttered and his movements became more sudden. Izuku pushed all the way down so his nose was pressed up against Katsuki's lower abdomen and his full length was down his throat. Katsuki doubled over with his hands still in his lover's hair, and came with a soft grunt. Izuku took every single drop down his throat, swallowing as Katsuki's last jolts of his orgasm ran through him.
Izuku sat back on his heels and released Katsuki's wet dick. He took a second to catch his breath as his head was swimming from the encounter. Katsuki was in a daze from his orgasm, still bent over with his hands on his knees trying to recover.
"How was that for an apology?" quipped Izuku. He wiped his eyes and ran his hand over his red and puffy lips. He looked up at Katsuki who glared at him from hooded eyes.
"Apology accepted, nerd." He pulled up his pants quickly and ran a hand through his spiky hair. He pulled Izuku up by the shirt collar and reached down to grab his erection. He could practically feel it throbbing through the tight fabric. He leaned in close and pushed Izuku to the opposite wall, pulling him in for a deep kiss. He could taste himself on Izuku's lips.
"You might want to take care of that," Katsuki gestured to the shorter boy's bulge. "Or maybe I'll take care of it later." With a wink, Katsuki opened the bathroom stall, checked himself out in the mirror, and left Izuku melting into a puddle on the bathroom floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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