Maid Café Oneshot(?)

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"Hey, Caesar, would you mind going to this place for me?" I remember Miss LisaLisa asking me.

"Of course, where is it you would like me to visit? I'm sure I have time in my schedule today." I respond with quickly, not wanting to say no to my respectful mentor. So, what was it she needed? Possibly to run errands, pick her up new shoes, fetch Suzi Q another set of earrings-

"Go to a maid café." LisaLisa said simply, lighting a cigarette, and bringing it to her red lips.

"HAHH?? M-Miss LisaLisa, surely you're joking, right??" She stays silent. "RIGHT???" She chuckles, releasing a puff of smoke from her red-stained lips. I grow embarrassed from hearing the chuckle. What's so amusing?? Does she really expect me to go to such a crude place? Ah, shit- But I didn't say 'no' to her. I still can't. I glance at Miss LisaLisa.

"Now now Caesar, what are you getting all shy for? I thought you were such a playboy with the ladies, something like this wouldn't be a problem for you." Guh- Well fuck me. Of course I don't regret flirting with the signoras, but now is the only time I wish it never happened! But, still! A maid café? How does Miss LisaLisa even know of such a place? Hmph. Not like I really want to know, anyways.

"Eugh- Yes, you're right...- So, when and where would you like for me to arrive at this...café?" I ask solemnly, almost cringing. I was almost scared to be going to this place. What was I to expect? But more importantly than that what kind of girls would be there? I'm not saying I have a type, but I mean...

Brunettes are pretty cute.

Anyways, I look to Miss LisaLisa who has by now put her cigarette out, seeming to search through her bag. She tucks a strand of her dark hair behind her ear, and hands me a card. The card reads:

"Maid Café Grand Opening~!!

Please Join Us Today At Location D, Just Down Alloy Avenue, Behind The Corner Store!

From 8:30 AM To Midnight!

What's To Expect:

MAIDS!!! (Yay!)

Cute Dishes To Enjoy!

Free Alcoholic Beverage, Courtesy Of The Maid Of Your Choice!

3 Different Menus To Order From!

All This, And More! But Only If You Stop By!

(Everything On Any Menu is 40% Off For Our Grand Opening~!)"

It was surprisingly a rather cute card. Very nicely decorated with stars, too. Seemed legit enough. Miss LisaLisa wore a grateful smile, thanking me.

"Thank you very much Caesar, I knew I could count on you. Consider it a favor. I'll owe you back greatly." Like hell, woman! You'd better owe me back! Not like it bothers me too much I suppose...if it's so important to Miss LisaLisa it isn't a problem to me. I just hope this maid café is as good as it seems. In short, I just hope it's worth my time.


So that's the story of how I ended up standing in front of this fancy looking building with a 'Grand Opening' banner hanging from it. I pull the card I received from Miss LisaLisa earlier out of my pocket, checking it again just to make sure I had the right building. Yep, I most definitely had the right building. But actually being here was starting to make me uneasy. Maybe it wasn't too late to turn back now. I could always just lie to Miss LisaLisa and say I came. Since I technically did. Yeah...yeah- As I'm about to turn and make a quick exit, a maid comes out from the door holding what looks to be menus, propping the door open. She notices me. Wait, she? No...that's no woman. In fact, isn't that...-?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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