I Forgive You A̶g̶a̶i̶n̶

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          "FELIX WATCH OUT!"


           "Felix? FELIX!"

  Fear coursed through her veins as she screamed so loud she woke herself up. Chloe panted as she awoke from her cursed dream. Once again envisioning the demise of her beloved, but what scared her the most, was that she doesn't know why.

   Glancing at her alarm clock, the red piercing light reflected the numbers 3:45 in the dark silence of her room. She lived alone, her parents both working overseas. Or at least, that was their excuse, as she was left to 'babysit' her 16 year old brother who ended up moving away shortly after they left. She sighed as she plopped back onto her pillows, tears streaming down her tan skin, falling into her  She's already lost her family to the world, what will happen if she loses Felix too.


         "Chloe, hey!" A voice shouts from a few lockers down. A boy with short light brown locks bounced his way over to the worried brunette. 

        "Hey Felix, how've you been?" She asks, her tone deeper and more serious than usual, but she hopes that the boy in front of her is too oblivious to notice. Unfortunately for her, he did.

         "Chloe, are you okay? You've been different these last few days, I mean come on chaton we have that hiking trip in a few days. Don't be sad mon amour, what's going on?" He whispers, knowing how the smaller girl hates when others try to but into her problems. She looks up at him, green eyes meeting blue.

          "I-I don't think we should do the hiking trip mon chéri."

       This caused the inner man-child in her boyfriend to speak allowed, utterly confused at the change of plans.

      "Eh? Pourquoi? You were so excited for it! Plus it was your idea anyways."

       "I know I'm just worried that...."

        "That what?"

        "You'll get hurt." He laughed in response. Did she really not have faith in his hiking skills?

        "I'll be fine chaton, lets get to class okay?"

           She sighed, he'd never get it, so why tell him the truth. Just smile and wave like you have been over and over again. 



        Panting, soreness and dehydration was all she felt while trudging up that hill. Felix was so much farther ahead of her, how does he do this all the time? She quickly ran up next to him, her chest rising and falling dramatically. 

        "Babe why did you let me do this? I'm a theater major, not an athlete!" She whined, leaning against her now slowed down boyfriend, who was laughing so hard he almost cried. 

Walking    Walking      Walking      Walking

   Step, after step, after step. Where are we going again?


   She turns around frantically, panicking her boyfriend who stopped immediately.

         "Babe? What's wrong?"


          "Aunty?" She cried, frantically changing her focus to every direction that surrounds them. The voice....it's so soothing, is it really her aunt? It could be, maybe she returned. They said she would never come back for her but...now she's here.

        "Chloe....your aunt's been dead for 4 years, who are you calling to?" Felix's voice rang through her head. Dead? That's impossible, for it was her aunt who made her lunch this morning, her aunt who drove her to school, her aunt who made her parents disappear...wasn't it?

       'He's just like them Chloe....a fake. A liar. Your parents wanted nothing but to use you, and he wants the same. Do it Chloe, join your Aunty. It's time to regain control of your own life my dear. Be with me again! DO IT!'

      She turned to Felix, who was holding a phone....wait. It wasn't a phone, it's a knife. Why was Felix holding a knife? Was he really just like her parents? Her brother? 

          "No, no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no NO!" She whispered, progressively getting louder and louder and LOUDER! Felix was scared, he was terrified. 

          "Chaton s'il te plait calme-toi, j'ai peur!"

          "Y-y-y-y-y-you're not f-f-f-f-f-fooling me Felix. I k-know w-who you're working for"

          "B-babe calm down okay, I'm just calling the police-"

          "LOOK OUT!" Suddenly she screamed.

There was no danger, what does she mean-


She jumps on him, causing them both to tumble down the hill, but not the way they came off. It was off the cliff right in front of them. The screams of Felix echoed through her mind, played on repeat as it was still recorded. Falling.......................

Until the collision hit.

A white light surrounded her as she woke up. It was quiet. It was still.

What is this?

       "It's forgiveness Chloe. My forgiveness"

       "B-but why?"

       "It isn't your fault, we both know that, I forgive you Chloe."

         She's walked into the light, ready to move on from this world, but of course.... like every time....she can't.


          15 years ago was the case of Chloe Bourgeois. A young girl at age 17 murdered her parents after the news of her Aunt passing away due to extreme head trauma and blood loss, causing her younger brother to run away and be presumed dead today after almost 5 years of searching. Her boyfriend at the time Felix Laframboise, had no idea of this but had called the police multiple times due to Chloe having serious mental breakdowns to where she almost stabbed him on multiple occasions. Soon enough she was 'Cleared' by medical professionals and was last seen on a hike with Felix, where multiple tourists say they heard screams of both teenagers from the area of the cliff. No bodies where found but the question still remains, what happened to Chloe Bourgeois and her family?

         "Are you ready to do it all again Chloe?"

         "No, why am I not allowed to remember the like you guys?"

         "Because they haven't found our bodies yet Chaton. Now lets go, so I can forgive you 


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