One Dance

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The night was young like us. Couples began dancing on the floor, the boys with their shirts tucked and wearing shiny shoes, began leading their partners to sway with the music. I can only vaguely remember what song was playing that night. One thing I remember clearly though, was how I had goose bumps all over, and how fast my heart was beating when she came up to me and asked me to dance. It was one sweet night. And it was one perfect dance.

I remember when she first arrived at school on our fifth grade. She became an instant celebrity. She was pretty and smart, easily made friends because of her charm.

At a time when most of boys my age would already develop constant infatuations, I had to admit I was a little abnormal. I mean, not as in mentally incapacitated, but a bit more emotionally reserved. I can't recall an instance when I allowed my hormones to dictate me. They said I was mature for my age.

So in meeting her, I acted with indifference. We can even be considered as rivals because we were both at the top of our classes and there were times we had to compete for the number one spot.

I guess I started noticing her when we started high school. Maybe because my hormones were finally telling me that it's finally time to look out and smell the flowers. If she was pretty back in grade school, she was gorgeous in high school. You know that funny skit where a guy dreams of his ideal girl and that girl comes to life? That happened to me. But the realisation came too late.

On my junior year, I had to represent our school to the Regional quiz bee where I made it up to the semi-finals. When I came back to school the next day, they held this ceremony for me: the boy wonder. It was after this, while I was walking to the restroom (to hide) when she suddenly came up to me (to my great mortification) and said "congratulations". That was the start of our friendship.

I can't really say that we became best friends. But we were close. Most times I'd walk her home. Most guys in my class asked me why I don't ask her out when she seemed to have developed a great "liking" to me. I just shrugged them off. Maybe because I was so comfortable being her friend and sharing with her things I know I can never share with someone more than that.

One afternoon while we were walking home, she suddenly asked me what my ideal girl is like.

"What?" I retorted.

She blushed profusely and told me it was nothing.

Okay, I know I was pretty dense back then, and remembering that particular incident, I just want to thump myself in the head and call myself and "idiot" a couple of times for good measure. And what's worse, I began thinking about her all the time after that incident. I see her everyday, I talk to her, but then when I go home I still can't stop thinking about her.

But I resolved to not make here feel uncomfortable. We didn't talk about that incident, it didn't seem like a big deal. I thought maybe she was just curious or was doing a survey with her male friends. Though I did feel that something changed - I couldn't say what - but it did.


BUZZ! (we still used Yahoo! messenger)

Cinderella : Hi...

ME: Hello! Who is this please?

Cinderella: I thought you'd remember...

ME: Well, I don't.. maybe I will, if you'll give me your name

Cinderella: Haha..! You're still cute.. It's me, Johanne

ME: Johanne?! Form HS?

Cinderella: Yup! That's me! So what's up?

ME: Wow! It's been a long time.. You're still up? You're in Washington now right?

Cinderella: Yes. It's been so long.. It's almost 11pm here

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