Chapter 1- The Only Decent Slytherin

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"Bye mommmm" I yelled.

"Bye Valerina, have an amazing time at your voodoo school"

"Momm for the last time it's not voodoo it's magic, I got to go mom I'm gonna be late!"

I was ready for my third year at Hogwarts. I am American, yes the only American in the whole school. I had moved from California to London due to my moms job, so I am the only person in the school with an American accent. The one thing that I hated at Hogwarts was Draco Malfoy. That bitch never keeps his mouth closed. I arrived at the Hogwarts train and found my three best friends in one of the train compartments, Hermione, Harry, and Ron.

"Hey guys" I say as my put down my things.

"Well if it isn't the only decent Slytherin in the in the entire school" Harry said.

"Well I'm not mad I'm in Slytherin, I'm mad that I have idiots like Draco, Blaise, and pug face" I replied. Everyone started laughing even thought I was being dead serious.

"Well sit down what are you still doing standing up" Hermione says with a dying down laugh. I sat down next to Harry with Ron across from me and Hermione parallel  from me. Once I start talking Draco Malfoy had to stop at this specific compartment.

"I thought I smelt a filthy mud blood, no need to intoxify the air Granger" Draco said.

"Wow intoxify nice to see someone is starting to learn new words" I spat at Draco.

"At least I'm stepping up to my pureblood name, you and weasel-bee are a disgrace to pureblood wizards" Draco said. You could tell he was running out of things to say.

"Ok Draco what will it take for you to go away. An apple? Do you need a sticker? Or maybe your smart enough to just walk away but I doubt that's the case here" I told Draco.

"I-I-I..." Draco stuttered

"Aww look he's speechless I almost feel bad" I said with a sarcastic pouty face "not really, just go away Malfoy" . After that Draco walked away.  Then we talked the rest of the way the Hogwarts about normal conversation but before we got there Ron started to say something.

"Let me just say, and Val don't get mad or anything but like, the romantic tension between you and Malfoy..." Ron said

"You little bi-" I started but Harry cut me off.

"Ron if you wanna talk about tension let's talk about you and Hermione" Harry stated with a smirk on his face.

"Bloody hell Harry!" Ron started "What do you think this is the bachelor"

"I don't think he knows what the bachelor is" I whisper in Harry's ear. We both start laughing like crazy. Hermione and Ron both had serious faces because they thought that we were talking about them.

"Yea" Hermione fake laughed "very very funny" she continues to fake laugh. At that moment the train stops and Hermione and Ron get up in synch because they were both eager to get out of that situation.

"Look" I say practically crying with laughter, "They're twinzies" I start laughing even more, though it's so dumb but Harry started laughing harder to. Eventually we stop laughing and Hermione and Ron are gone. They must've gotten enough of us acting like complete idiots.

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