Stuff Before We Start.

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Before i officially start this book, i want to cover a few things. Im also going to paste the description here in case you didnt read it.  "It is as the title says. I do take requests, ill have a chapter explaining the rules of requests and such. I have experience with writing already, although I've never written with Death Note characters so i cannot say how accurate they'll be. I will say i wont tolerate any hate, because it is toxic and can affect more than just whoever your hating on. I will, however, accept strict constructive criticism."

I suppose i should get into the rules regarding the requests. 

1. I am fine with most things, although i wont do smuts/lemons because i cannot write them and even if i could, i wouldn't. I find i don't enjoy them and have no interest in writing them. The most i will do is passionate make out sessions and cuddling and such.

2. I will write any ships as long as they aren't sibling x sibling or minor x major.

3. I would be willing to do anything involving your OC x a cannon character, i just would need you to dm me the information you think would be useful, along with answer any ridiculous questions i have about the OC.

4. I would also be willing to give it a go at a reader x cannon, but i cannot guarantee it would be pleasing to read.

5. I am fine with any AU's you have in mind, although i may not be familiar with the AU and will ask you to elaborate on it for me.

6. I am willing to write anything with gore, a certain mental disorder, and any types of illnesses. i will add warning to the top of the pages for readers so if they wish, they could skip past something they are not particularly comfortable with. Please do verify how detailed you would like me to get with them though, because if you don't, it may be too detailed or not detailed enough for your liking .

7. I ask you don't request something that I've already made a chapter on, although i am perfectly fine with you requesting a part two for a certain chapter.

8. I absolutely REFUSE to write any type of non-con, PLEASE do NOT request it. It is quite disgusting if i'm being honest with you. As i have seen others say "consent is sexy". 

Now, ill cover some generic rules i'm going to ask you follow when commenting and such, along with a few things i feel you should know in general.

1. I wont tolerate any hate on characters and/or ships presented. If you want, you may express that you dislike them, but please keep it at that, and don't attack anyone for liking something you don't and vice versa. 

2. I wont tolerate hate on the author either, which in this case is me. I will, however, accept constructive criticism. I do have my reasons for not tolerating public hate on the author of a book and those are that it is not only harmful to the author, but to the other readers and sometimes even the person who is being hateful. For one, some authors make a big deal out of it and attack the person, other times readers will attack the person, and what i see most commonly, the readers who are also authors will see the hate comment and let that get to them, making them change how they write and make it where they no longer enjoy writing. If your going to give me hate, at least do it privately in DM's where it wont harm others. 

3. I don't have a scheduled quite yet, and while I'm trying , i don't update often .

4. I often use profanity's in my characters dialogue when writing.

5. Ill credit people when writing requests, so if there isn't credit, it means i came up with it in my own.

6. For things i come up with on my own, here are some things you should expect to see. 

-Angsty L.

-Angst with/without comfort.

-Misa x Light.

- Maybe some Light x L but idk.

-Dad Watari.

- Maybe some L x Reader.

-L being a baby.

-The task force being protective of L. 

-Also dad Aizawa.

There are more, but i can't remember them all right now.

7. I will most likely add a few head cannon chapters as well, out of either sheer boredom, or as an idea dump for myself.

8. I might add a few random chapters such as art dumps, music dumps, etc..

9. This kinda becomes a story if you ignore the AU chapters.

10. I'll be letting you all name most of the chapters, aside from some i have ideas for.

This may be updated in the future.

Go check out my other storys, i have one where all the fandoms will interact and then a few like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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