Trick or treat?

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"Have a nice time, Finley!" my mother called after me, from the front door. I smiled. "okay!" I call behind me as I walk down the driveway, shouldering my bag. Walking for a few minutes on the sidewalk, passing neat rows of houses, I stop at a large building. Knocking on the door I shout "trick or treat!" I get it. I'm fourteen and I'm still trick or treating on Halloween night but still it's my favorite holiday. Waiting a few seconds at the door,my friend,Olivia, opens the door with a smile. "Trick of course!"She whips out a can of silly string and sprays me as I run for cover. "Well don't just stand there! Return fire!"Her brother walks up the driveway and tosses me a can. I sprint back to the front porch of Olivia's house and ambush her."Gah! Fine! Fine! Truce!" She drops her can of silly string. We look at our clothes covered in green and yellow goop and I crack a grin. Olivia laughs "well at least we're not in our costumes yet!" She opens the door and leads me inside. I've been inside her house a few times but I still gasp at the elegant hall in front of me. The bright lights that hang from the high ceiling give off a warm glow, reflecting off of the large windows, showing the setting sun outside. She casually ran up the double stairs, telling me to follow her to her room. Walking into her bright room, lighted by the last rays of the sun, Olivia runs into her closet, and pulls out two black outfits. She handed me one with a short shoulder cape lined with yellow cloth, a yellow shirt, black pants, yellow gloves and a bowler hat. I run into her shared bathroom and quickly change out of my string covered clothes, throwing them into a pile, and into the warm costume. She knocks on the white bathroom door. "you dressed?" she shouts through the thick wooden door. "yeah" I open the door, revealing a grinning stranger. "Well hello there Remus."I laugh. She twirls around, in a black and green duke costume with puffy sleeves, black leggings,a green sash, and black flats. "Hello, Janus!"She perfects her nasally Remus impression. I move out of the way as she walks into the bathroom looking at her reflection in the giant mirror. I get close to the mirror, checking my hair running my fingers through the waves of dark blue. "you look great today. "She smiles, elbowing me a little too hard. I wince at the new bruise on my shoulder. "Ya huh. Hey, Could I borrow a brush?" I ask her. "yea sure." She tosses me a black and red brush, which I barely catch. I run it through my hair, parting it sideways. I grab a black headband without asking. Using it to hold back my hair, I ask if she could help me with my makeup. Sighing and setting down her fake morningstar weapon she grabs the yellow and green face paints. "hold still." After a few minutes it looks like half of my face is covered in green and yellow scales and a long line from the side of my face to my lips give the illusion of a wide snake mouth. "thanks" I mumble, putting in fake wax fangs and grinning. "gruesome." she says looking at my reflection. I pull out the headband and put on the bowler hat. "Now I really look like Deceit." I adjust her fake curly mustache and grab my pillowcase. "Ready?" I ask standing by the bathroom door. "uh yeah just a second." She puts on some dark eyeshadow and grabs her morningstar mace. "all right!" She smiles and we run downstairs. "We're leaving!" Olivia shouts to her brother. "Alright! Don't die out there you two! I'd hate to pay for the funerals!" He shouted back jokingly. "ready, shortie?" She threw her arm around me. I smiled. Usually I'd get mad at anyone who calls me short, but she's the only exception. "yup." I walk onto the porch. We walked down the drive, sharing inside jokes and laughing at puns in the most recent youtube videos. We walked around the neighborhood for a while until we saw the edge of the forest. "You know what would be cool?" Olivia asked. "what?" I look into the dense pine and birch trees. Pale yellow Birch and maple leaves that litter the ground scrape across the asphalt of the road."Okay. I dare you to go into the woods by yourself until you find something awesome. "Olivia looked down at me, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "not by myself!" I grabbed her wrist and took off into the thick woods with her stumbling behind me. The second I stopped running, I knew something was wrong. I look around the pitch black trees, Pine branches obstructing the far away street lights. "Olivia?" I turn to look at her. She furrowed her brows, squinting at the trees around us. "oh yeah." She reached into her pillowcase, retrieving a bright green flash light. She flicked it on illuminating the nearby trees. The tall pines loomed over us like giants, rustling every now and then as a breeze or bird passed by. I stepped forwards, away from the dim orange glow from streetlights. Leaves crunched under my shoe, earning a startled look from Olivia. It would have been peaceful if it wasn't 8 o clock and pitch black on Halloween night. "well? What are we waiting for?"I put on a brave smile, weaving and bobbing under low branches. Thwock! I turned around to look at Olivia. "you say something?" "uh no?"She said, not looking up from what she was doing. She reached into her partially full pillowcase and offered me a piece of candy. I shook my head and he threw the candy back into her makeshift bag, half annoyed probably. Sticks snapped under Olivia's feet. I jumped at the sound."ack! Olivia don't do that! You startled me!"I laughed. She looked up from her bag again,a serious and confused look on her face, then at her feet. I looked down too. There weren't any twigs on the ground that would have made that loud of a snap. I brushed it off thinking that a squirrel or something above had broken a stick. We passed by fallen trees and old stumps. I turned around to see how far into the forest we were. Through the pine needles and the thin trunks of birch trees I could no longer see the street lights. We had been walking for about ten to twenty minutes and it was starting to get cold. I could see my breath make a ghostly cloud in front of my nose. I was thankful for the bright yellow gloves, but they were thin and my hands were shaking from cold and a rising fear. Thwock! I whirl around in confusion to face Olivia, who had reached down to pick up a sizable branch. The slung it over her shoulder, both hands on the thinner side of it, like a baseball bat. I gave her a questionable look and opened my mouth to say something. She held up a finger to her mouth as another hacking sound rang out.It sounded as if someone were beating a tree with a branch. The sound of splintering wood and branches falling woke me out of my confused and cold daze. Shivers wracked my body and I slowly reached down to grab a thick branch not taking my eyes off of the direction the noise was coming from. Something moved a branch only a few feet away from where Olivia was standing, and I saw a pink splotchy hand reach out from the pine needles. Olivia screamed and bolted off, away from the edge of the forest. I leapt over a fallen tree trunk, after her, running from whoever was following us.I spotted the faraway orange glimmer of a warm light.I shouted for Olivia, looking around the dark shadow for the bright green of her outfit.I glance out on the dark street,lined with neat little pretty houses, and look back at the darkness in front of me.I shouted again, panic rising up in me.I couldn't lose her! Twigs snapped as I heard Olivia shout."It's behind me!" She screamed as the pale hand closed in on her high black collar.She whirled around, smacking the person's face with the flashlight. They recoiled, clutching their face and letting go of the costume.I grab Olivia Raising a branch I had found, to defend myself. Olivia raised her light, shining it in the eyes of the stranger, revealing their face. "Finley?" She shuddered, looking at me. I glared at Finley, her hand clutching her now broken nose, tears streaming from her eyes. Scratches and a large gash in her arm were bleeding, turning the yellow leaves red."brava."I laugh.Olivia stumbled away from me, towards Finley."you know."I said pointing at her. "You two are annoying!" I laughed even harder.The real Finley looked broken, as she was supported by Olivia.They take a step back shying away from me. "your faces say it all.Who is this? What is this? Well I guess I can't really explain that."I grin from ear to ear, wax fangs falling out, revealing real ones. "But I hope you understand.I guess you would do the same if you were in my position."I speak, no longer sounding like a squeaky teenage girl. "Well I might as well be polite enough to say goodbye."I chuckle, taking off the bowler hat, cape and tugging off the yellow gloves and tossing them into the leaves. 

"Good bye."

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