Mafiozos: Pilot

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The sun was setting, but the Big Apple never sleeps. Among those still awake in New York was Reggie. He was a young man with black hair, green eyes, and a thin body. On a normal night, Reggie would be at his favorite underground bar having a drink and talking with his oldest friend, Oscar. Oscar was a short and slightly fat man, with short brown hair. However, that night neither of the two men would be at the bar. That night, Reggie and Oscar had a job to do.

They were both sitting in a black limousine parked on the side of the road, facing a tall man hidden in the shadows of the car. In the shadowy man's lap sat a newspaper. The headline read "ORGANIZED CRIME ON THE RISE!". The date on the paper read January 6th, 1929, the day Reggie had been waiting for. The day he would prove himself ready to become a member of the New York mafia.

"Are you boys ready? This is an important job, and I don't want any screw ups," the man in the shadows said.

Reggie looked at the man confidently and said, "Yessir, we are, and we won't fail! Right Oscar?" Oscar was slouched over, asleep.

"Oscar!" Reggie whispered as he elbowed him in the ribs.

"Huh, oh yeah, sure. Wait, what are we doing again?" Oscar asked sleepily. The shadowy man sighed and looked at Reggie. "I'm not sure I chose the right men for this job," he said.

"We're gathering intel for the boss, Oscar. This is our big chance to become real mafia members!" Reggie said. He pulled out his small revolver and started aiming it at imaginary targets. The man frowned. "Watch where you point that thing!" He sighed again. "Just don't act like idiots, you represent the New York mafia now. You'll be lucky if you make it out of this alive."

"Yessir, we'll get that intel and get out fast," said Reggie as he put away his revolver in his trench coat. He was undeterred by the man's lack of faith in them.

Reggie and Oscar stepped out of the limo and watched it drive off. They started walking towards the meeting spot, which was in an alley a few blocks away. It was a windy night, with dark clouds blocking out any light the moon would have given. Trash blew across the streets, and Reggie pulled his trench coat tighter around himself, trying to block out the wind. 

"How are we supposed to know who the informant is again?" Oscar asked as he pulled out a cigar.

"He's wearing a blue and yellow tie, so he should be pretty noticeable," Reggie said. He looked nervous, and kept putting his hand on his gun.

"Calm down, this'll be easy," Oscar said. Oscar kept trying to light his cigar, but the wind blew out his matches. "Damn," Oscar said as the wind blew out his last match.

Oscar was ready for this job. He was only a few years older than Reggie, but he had seen much more action than him. When they met, Oscar was just a petty thief after getting out of a three year prison sentence. Reggie was new to New York, but had his sights set on becoming a big time gangster. Oscar knew Reggie's dreams were foolish, but his spirit impressed him. Oscar helped Reggie learn about the city, about the people, and about the do's and do not's. They eventually became close friends, and hadn't left each other since.

The two continued walking towards a shadier part of the city. Garbage littered the streets, and the amount of decrepit buildings increased. There weren't many people out, and those who were looked deceitful and ready to make a few bad choices during the cover of night. Working street lights were few and far between, and even those that worked didn't provide the best of light. 

Reggie imagined foes jumping from the shadows and attacking, except he wasn't dreaming of fighting them off like he did before. He was starting to get worried. After all, the police had been known to get a lucky tip and ambush mafia transactions, not to mention independent gangs and crime families wanting to get leverage over the powerful mafia. Even drunks and con men with guns could be dangerous.  

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