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Upon a planet, shrouded in thick, warm-colored fog, existed life. These organisms on this planet took the shape of puddles. These puddles were dark and thick and can be compared to what you might know as tar. Housed within these puddles of 'tar' were these organisms' cores. These cores were stark white and housed the creatures' brains and eyes and mouths and so on, such as a head on a human; and were shaped similarly as such. These creatures lived their lives similar to very basic amoebas. They protected their cores with their thick, black puddle of an exterior and lived off of chemicals and from the air and ground as well as photosynthesizing whatever light filtered through the smog. They lived quite useless lives. These creatures are born, survive, reproduce and then die either of old age or from being eaten up by other species that inhabited the planet. Being eaten was rare, however. The only edible part of these organisms were the core and only desperate predators would go through the trouble of getting tarred to reach it.

And so these creatures existed for millennia, resisting evolution, and staying safe in their own puddle.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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