Plans for the summer - Seiko x Takami

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Disclaimer: I don't own Saki. It belongs to Kobayashi Ritz. Wish the manga would update faster though.

"Teru!!! Let's go grab some sweets!"


"Hey wait Awai! Didn't you promise that you'll be training this whole noon?!" The ever stoic archer of the team, Hirose Sumire, shouted at the blonde first year with an angry vein popping at her forehead.

"Ehhh...? But that's boooring!" The arrogant supernova, Oohoshi Awai, whined at her senpai while clinging on to a pink-haired girl.

"And it's not like we'll be out the WHOLE noon just to buy sweets, right Teru?"

The champion and ace of the Shiraitodai team, Miyanaga Teru, glanced at the first year with her non-changing face and gave a light nod of agreement. She was always reserved and used little as possible words when it comes to these situations in order to avoid angering the princess of the ToraHime combo, namely Sumire.

The ocean-haired vice-president promptly did a double facepalm in Awai's annoyance level and in Teru's apathy in all of these things. The 71st Summer Nationals is a few days away and all this irritating blonde girl has been doing is run around all over the place, eating titanic amounts of sweets and food with their president.

Granted they were seeded and they are monster level players but still...

"That's also what you said last time and you came back 8:00 in the evening because of that!" Sumire slammed an entirely innocent table that loudly echoed everywhere except Awai and Teru's brains.

"Look I know that we are already powerful and we can probably sweep the whole tournament in a blink of an eye when we play really seriously but...!" The archer glared intensely at the two, her eyes attempting to drill into their skulls and trying to pierce onto their souls like her Ron arrow.

"This year is different! There's a lot of school participants that has an ability that is on par with us or even greater than us. And I know you know what I mean Teru."

A searing silence settled in the room between Sumire and the two gluttons which are currently unaffected at all.

"Yeah. I know what you mean." The club president spoke flatly in her normal tone which is always like that when she's not in front of the media.

"You do? Finally I got some sense out of you-..."

"But!" Teru interrupted the archer and a sudden mixture of whirlwind and tiger aura surrounded the champion as she let out a dramatic pose and speech.

"The table, the tournament, the tiles, they can all wait for another hour or day! When tiles are placed and left at a table, they are still tiles that can be played, whether with fingerprints or polished they are still mahjong tiles and only that! However in the store, the variety of sweets residing there are picked off every minute or seconds! Picked off by people with no sense of taste and palate, people with no appreciation of the flavors of sugar, people that only views sweets as food and not as SWEETS! Dost thou not understand, Hirose Sumire?! Dost thou fail to comprehend such beauty of the word and element called sweets?!"

At this point, Hirose Sumire doesn't know if she should shoot the champion with her bow or thrash the whole room and throw the duo out through the window. She hid her face at her two palms in frustration and anger and groaned loudly into it.

"You just want to eat sweets do you Teru?"

"Exactly." A sparkle of a star glistened at Teru's eyes along with a sparkly aura around her which promptly made the archer go enraged and start flailing around and cursing at her while being by her junior.

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