The three trials and one success {Destiel}

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"I would begin by saying I love you, but that wouldn't be enough. I love you you can say to anything, or anyone, what I feel for you is so much more. What I feel for you is every happy moment, every single sunset, and cloud watch. What I feel for you is the good moments, but not just the ones like Christmas, the small things, the grass against our feet, the smell of fresh rain, the colour of your eyes. Everything you've helped me through, and taught me. I love you is not enough, but for now it will have to do."

"Castiel Novak, would you give me the honor, for more moments, more memories, and the time to find the proper wording, by marrying me?"

Dean opened the small velvet box raising it as he did so. He kept it raised for another second before closing the box, letting his arms fall back to his side, "what did you think? Would you have said yes?" Dean asked the man behind the counter who looked back with what Dean could only describe as utter exhaustion. "Maybe I should try again with the silver one, you know with the huge fucking diamond."

"No!" The man quickly cried. "I think the one you have is perfect, and even after hearing it three times I think your speech is also perfect. Now shall I ring you up?"

Dean nodded. He reopened the small box, starting at the ring inside. It was gorgeous, the band a shiny silver, with a black strip across the middle, and in the center a dark blue gem. Matching the velvet it sat on. He knew it was the one, but even still he had the smallest feeling of uncertainty. Maybe it was too simple. Maybe Cas would prefer a diamond, or at least a bigger gem. 

"Do you think it's expensive enough?" Dean asked looking back to the jewler.

"You are aware it's five thousand dollars?"

"Yah, but my boyfriend comes from a rich family, maybe I should go for a seven thousand one? I heard that's the average price for New York."

The man raised an eyebrow, as he looked Dean up and down, Dean's own gaze dropping down his body, to the old t-shirt and faded jeans he wore. "I don't know your boyfriend, but I have reasons to believe price isn't his biggest concern," he paused, finally stopping his judging look and giving Dean a forced smile. "And that you should be putting your money in other aspects of your life."

Dean only gave a nod in understanding, instead looking back to the ring, the smallest smile on his lips. The gem was the same shade as Castiel's eyes, the black almost the same shade as his hair, it was so perfect the ring could've been made for him.

Dean looked back to the seller, the smile not dropping from his face, "I think I wanna try the first one again."


Slowly Dean crouched to one knee, raising the opened box. The cold night wind blew, and for a second all he could think about was how he wished he hadn't left his jacket in the car, his fingers already numb.


"From the day I met you, you were different. You were kind and patient, and you loved everything so much. And you had me amazed. I couldn't understand how you could do it, find the good in everyone and everything, you made games out of traffic jams, and brought homeless people for lunch, even when I told you not to. But you never cared what others thought, or said, and you loved with every inch of your being. I never thought I could have that, but when I'm with you, I do. I love you with everything I have, and everything I am."

"Castiel Novak, would you please make me the happiest man on earth, and marry me?"

"Of course!" Charlie cried, throwing herself into Dean's arms, the moment he had stood, it didn't stop the nerves. Her cheery smile, the adorance she had for the date Dean planned, despite it all his heart still hammered. He was going to mess up, when he had to do it for real, he knew it.  "Dean, that was beautiful. I'm so happy for you two!"

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