The Dress (A Grell Sutcliff One Shot) CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT!!!!!

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Miranda Lewis sat at her desk tapping her pencil lazily. Being a shinigami it wasn’t a secret that she would get hammered with paperwork. It also sucked when William would not let her have any missions to the human world. It wasn’t like he doubted her skills or her ability to protect herself, it was just she was the only female Shinigami and he didn’t want anything to happen to her. William was like a big brother to her so it is understandable. She was a good friend with almost every Shinigami but Ronald, Alan, and Eric were he closest friends.

Miranda didn’t know how much longer she would last just sitting there without something to do so she decided to go and talk to William and see if she can have a mission. Shutting her office door softly behind her she made her way to Williams office. Tapping her knuckles against the wooden door she waited for a call to come in.

"Hi William!" She greeted the black haired Shinigami happily. William glanced up at her before going back to his work with a hello back. Miranda sighed out in annoyance, before taking a deep breath.

"So William?" Miranda started, but was cut off by William.

"No!" He simply said. Miranda whined slinking over to his desk. Her eyes pleading.

"But you didn’t even hear what I was going to ask." Miranda whined. William glanced at Miranda before going back to his paperwork.

"You wanted to ask me for a mission to the human world." He stated making Miranda’s mouth drop in disbelief.

"You are too good." She said sitting on his desk.

"Miranda, Please get off my desk." William demanded softly, his monotone voice still there. Miranda would be lying to herself if she said that tone of voice didn’t bother her.

"I will get off your desk if you give me a mission or if you let me go visit Mr. Undertaker." She bargained. William sighed adjusting his glasses.

"I will let you go visit Undertaker but only for two hours!" He stated giving Miranda a look that said if you make me come after you I would never let you leave again. Her eyes brightened instantly, lunging at William and enveloping him in a hug.

"Oh Thank you, thank you, thank you! William you are amazing!" She cheered. William calmly removed Miranda’s arms from around his neck. That didn’t stop the Brunette from being extremely happy though. She backed away from William with a big smile on her face.

"When Can I leave?" She asked excitedly. William looked at her for a couple seconds before answering.

"Did you finish your paperwork?"

Miranda nodded her head in an excited yes manner smile still present on her face.

"Well, I guess you can leave now…" William didn’t get to finish his sentence because Miranda was no longer in his office. William sighed as he rubbed his eyes under his glasses. Somehow he had a feeling something was going to happen, which in turn will make him have over time yet again. How he hated over time.

Miranda walked happily around the streets of London enjoying looking at the different shops and restaurants. It has been to long since she was in the human world and she wanted to make the most out of it. Mr. Undertaker’s shop wasn’t too far away from here so she really didn’t see the need to rush there.

As she continued walking down the street her gaze shifted to a store that had a really pretty dress in the window. The dress was something you would wear to a formal party. It was red with very elegant silver trimming around the bust. The dress was strapless and the skirt on it was ruffled with little silver gems holding the ruffles in place. Glancing down the street towards the Undertakers shop she debated with herself on whether to ignore the dress and continue on her journey or go in the shop and try the dress on. Looking at the dress one more time her mind was made up.

The Dress (A Grell Sutcliff One Shot) CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now