Give Me One Reason

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Ash spiralled through the air as I stepped forward cautiously, into the shadows of a broken pillar. Chipped rock covered the ground, the remnants of the battle surrounding me. It was deathly quiet. I could hear my own breathing, slow, scared. 

The silent crowd of people surrounded me. Covered in dust, and blood, everybody filled with grief. 

Voldemort, his black robes moving around him as he advanced toward us menacingly, raised his arms. The Death Eaters massed behind him. I could see my father there; his face bloody and his robes torn. 

In the front row I could see Lucius Malfoy, his white-blonde hair dirty and lank, his eyes dull tired. Draco wasn't by his side. I clenched my fist, hoping to god he was among this crowd and not dead or dying.

"Harry Potter... Is dead!"

A chilling scream cut the silence as a girl at the front of the crowd rushed forward, but her father pulled her back as Voldemort silenced her with a flick of his wand.

Voldemort's triumphant announcement rang through our ears, and I felt a ripple of shock and grief go through the people around me. Potter, the boy who lived, the symbol of hope and rebellion, was dead. What hope was there for us?

I pressed my palm to the pillar, feeling the cool cement beneath my skin, searching for the shock of white-blonde hair among the people surrounding me. 

"Stupid girl," Voldemort's voice carried across the crowd. "Harry Potter... Is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith in me."

Voldemort turned and walked back toward his silent mass of black-robed followers, their faces unreadable. He raised his arms.

"Harry Potter is dead!"

His followers shrieked with cold, cruel laughter, raising hairs on the back of my neck. More and more students emerged from the castle, their robes torn, some limping, some with tears in their eyes. 

Voldemort laughed his high, chilling laugh, and turned back to us. "And now is the time to declare yourself." nobody moved. "Come forward and join us... or die."

I took a deep breath, pushing some black hair out of my face. I had already betrayed my entire family. There was no going back now, even if I wanted to.

There was a long silence. No one was going to join them. A harsh whisper startled me, from the lips of Lucius, looking drawn and desperate.


My head shot up, following his eyes, my heart beating faster. 

"Come Draco." he whispered, clenching his fist. 

The people parted, revealing Draco, looking exhausted, standing among the crowd. I took him in for a moment, just metres away, the boy I'd do anything for.

Lucius held out a hand, as Narcissa stepped forward. "Draco," her voice was calmer, sweeter. "Come."

I could see Draco's eyes searching, sweeping, for someone to tell him no. I pushed myself forward, limping slightly. 

"No, wait," I hadn't expected my voice to carry, and heads turned in my direction. Draco's beautiful blue eyes caught mine, and he looked helpless. "Don't do this," I whispered.

Someone stepped aside so I could step closer. Draco turned his head, seeing his parents watching me with anger and desperation, and then back at me. "You don't have to do this." my voice broke from all the smoke in the air.

"Draco," Lucius called again, and everyone's heads turned, between me and Lucius, like some sick version of a muggle tennis match. 

Draco's gaze hardened and he turned to me, taking my hand. I breathed out in relief, as the crowd moved to hide us from view. Draco, wordlessly, turned and put his arms around me. I hugged him back, so relieved he hadn't gone to the Death Eaters.

"Thank you," he murmured into my ear. 

I hugged him tighter. My heart was thudding, slowly calming, as we released each other and I gestured to the castle with my head. Draco nodded. Hand in hand, we retreated back into the castle, behind the chipped pillars, out of sight of his parents. 

Voldemort's voice rose again, but I felt safe in the knowledge that Draco was with me. He wasn't hurt. He wasn't with the people who abused him all his life. He was by my side.

I looked down at our joined hands, his slim, pale fingers entwined with mine, and up into those ocean eyes. 

"Are you okay?" he asked me, and I nodded, because maybe the world was ending, but at least I'd have Draco by my side.

If you're reading this, thank you for your support. If you're the lovely person on instagram who encouraged me to post this, I hope you enjoyed it!

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