The begging

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Momma and Willy made iggy in a barn,it was in act of passion,I heard my momma say to her cousin.she was on the phone at the kitchen table whileDaddy was off on some hunting trip.why was she baring her heart  ♥️ out to this relative who she see maybe once every five years,I don't know.she like a sister to her but I don't understand how because they almost never talk.Then again,daddy never did let momma have friends,he thinks momma family is a bunch of godless heathens.He keeps us away from them,and momma let's it happen.momma let's daddy do what ever the hell he wants.why wouldn't she?He bust her wide open if she didn' my guess is she's trying to make up for cheating on daddy all those years ago when they were far  as I can tell,It's not working daddy still hates momma most days.

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