Short story

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 "Princess Jennie the King wishes to see you at the throne room" the maid/friend muttered while curtsying, head still bowed down while waiting for my response by the door. 

 "Thank you, Jisoo, for Informing me but please say to my father I do not feel well," I said while hiding my tear-stained face, I saw in my peripheral that she was about to open her mouth, probably to convince me

 "and also tell him I agree with all what he said, just please deliver the message that I do not want disturbance right now, let me enjoy my little freedom right now, that is my only request" I whispered those last words while looking at her, my tears already falling down, She looked at me with sympathy in her eyes before nodding, curtsying and going out.

The light that is from outside the room slowly dimmed as the door closes, leaving myself alone in the darkness with my own sorrow, letting myself fall, I cried while hugging my knees, I let it all out crying like a little girl 

 why is he like this?? after mother died he kept controlling my life at first it is okay, but now he wanted to sell me off in marriage with someone I don't know for power. 

 I continued to cry maybe for hours, I also moved on my bed, lying in a fetal position while still crying. After some time my crying turned into sniffles, and now I am just staring at my ceiling, my tears stopped but only the thoughts remained. 

 who would he sell me to?probably an old perverted man or a young man who is wicked...or-

My thoughts got cut off when I heard a noise outside my window, then I saw a shadow slowly opening it and crawling inside,great now I'm getting murdered life is so fair.. I thought sarcastically but then the shadow stopped before my bed.

I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep, I felt him/her moved closer now near my head, I felt his/her breath near my face, I kept contemplating if I want to open my eyes because at least I would see who would murder me. 

 I made up my mind and opened my eyes, and the most dazzling hazel eyes met my smoky ash ones.

 Her eyes filled shock which mirrored mine, she immediately clasped her hand around my mouth, probably to make me quiet if I ever scream I quickly removed her hand and whispered loudly to her before she does the same thing again"stop! I won't scream! so please just don't put your hand against my mouth again I'm claustrophobic" 

 That immediately caught her off guard and looked at me with curiosity, we kept staring at each other, until a voice breaks the silence coming from her was the most gentle honey-filled voice I have ever heard "umm sorry"

 I just shrugged and asked her what is she doing here, is she here to murder me because if so do it, like that but she explains that she is just a thief and she wants to steal small jewelry of mine because she is broke right now and she really needs cash in order to survive. 

 All night we talked I know its probably weird but we connected its something I can't describe. 

I learned her name is Lalisa and she is the eldest of her family, they were doing okay but then tragedy happened and she is the only one left, she kept trying to find jobs and she found two, its either to assassinate or to steal and she chose the latter.

Time passed the King's announcement of my marriage is spreading through the kingdom like wildfire, and I tried to tune it out, Lalisa and I always talked late at night where she sneaked in my room and we just talked and talked, she understands me and comforts me. she makes me forget my life for a while whenever we talked and slowly but surely as days passed my feelings for her got deeper and her to me. That specific night she showed me two vials and said it is poison, she said her boss offered it to him after she didn't steal jewels, she said she refused but its either she does it or the boss does it, she chose the latter because at least she can make sure I am safe, we confessed our love that night and before we kiss the door burst open came in was my father's men capturing her and bringing her to be beheaded, my father entered my room seeing me be a crying mess begging him to please don't hurt Lalisa but he just slapped me and said be ready, for my marriage tomorrow and just left. 

The Thief who stole my Heart -JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now