Arrival, Where?

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Ten distinct crewmates venture through the endless space of the galaxy. Their goal, to visit a world for test and research. In their voyage, Mr White prepared the required task and samples to proceed smoothly on once upon their arrival. Mr White, whom was joined by fellow researcher and scientist, Ms Peach and Mr Cyan in the research facility, came to ask. "Professor White, want to join us on grabbing some food at the cafeteria?" Her worn out voice said its story, being tired from the constant work. "I'm fine Ms Peach, you and Professor Cyan should go and have your rest and meal." Politely, Mr White declined.

"Suit yourself man." Cyan shrugged and went on his way, who was soon followed by Ms Peach as she tagged along. In the camera room, sat three fit men. Black, slurping on a instant cup noodles as he watched the live feed from the cameras, while Gray snored loudly in his sleep. Annoyed, the head security Silver rose from his seat, taking a thick magazine, and rolling it as he approached the sleeping beauty. With a loud smack, it earned a flying words of sailors curse. "What the fuck?! Who hit me, I'll beat that son of a bitch!" Looking over at Black, whom constantly signaled him to keep quiet and silence his tantrum act, was ignored and instead was accused. "You're the one that hit me didn't you Black!" "I'd beat your bum till they're red beet root I tell you mate!"

Letting out a sad sigh, Black simply looked away from the pitiful creature who'd be barraged endlessly with insulting words and severe punishment. "Oi, I'm talking to you!" Peripherally, he saw a movement from the side and in turn he looked over, only to be met by a full-out force, equivalent to the force of a baseball bat hitting an incoming ball. And so, the the yelling and shouting began in the camera room.

In the technical room, where the engineers work on their task with determined heart, worked tirelessly the mechanic Orange who at the moment fixed the ship's reactor from igniting and in turn causing explosion. Standing up to his feet, from his crouched position, a heavy arm lay to rest on his head. "How could tall people ever live without you small folks. It'd be a pain to not have anywhere to rest my sore arms." Said the fellow mechanic, Green, the only partner Orange has.

Shyly, Orange timidly asked for his arms to be removed. "Ah sorry there Orange, it's hard to not do so deliberately. It's like my arm has a mind of its own y'know." He soon laughed, in which Orange laughed an awkward laugh alongside Green. Being only a shoulder height to Green, it was discouraging when their heights are compared, but their duos set of skills were triumphant against any competitors who'd challenge them so. "Say since we're done with our task, how about we go grab ourselves some snacks to fill our belly, ey Orange?" Nodding, Green tucked the last piece of their tools and set on to the mess hall. "Well Orange, lead on!"

Ms Red, the head of the crew, and the coordinator Ms Pink, discussed their objective. "So, Ms Pink. This, is the world we'll be docking on to gather research and data?" The Coordinator confirmed, and spoke to enlightened the Head of the crew. "It's much like Mars, but twice its size. Seeing, that we have conquered Mars in our Solar System, I doubt we can't established a civilization here. But, that'd be up to the researchers to decide whether we can, or can't live in this barren wasteland. I mean it has four suns." "Well, as long as they do their job. That'd be it." Ms Red, as she said, looked over to the file regarding the planet they'll be arriving at.

"Say, it shows here some thermal signature far from the planet's core. Is it lava you presume?" "Could be a new to-be found newly material or sort. I mean all planets have their own uniqueness." Humming, Ms Red closed the file and stood from her feet. "Anyhow, it's time for lunch. Let's get ourselves some bite then." "Oh yes! I've been starving." Silently, below whispered Pink muttered. 'And I miss Orange.'


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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