The beginning of it all

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Your POV:
I woke up to the worst sound of my life. The bitch ass alarm woke me up from my dream. I rubbed my eyes, so I could get a better sight of what the hell was starring at me. It was my ugly ass brother. "TF YOU STARRING AT" I said while getting out of my bed. "You look mad ugly when you wake up" he said while walking away. "Don't even try to talk you were so ugly that even your girlfriend left you" you said. "Damn didn't need to go that far" he said while sounding hurt. "Nah, but I was ugly? Even the hairdresser laughed when they saw your ugly ass come in trying to fix that haircut?" You said. "Chill" he said. I didn't even want to go further, cause he'd end up crying and my older brothers would beat my ass up. I closed my door, and started changing. *you pick what you want wear" I like how it looked. I exited my room, and went downstairs to the kitchen table full. I sat down in the remaining seat, and started eating. The food was meh, since it was my dads cooking. But I still ate it knowing if I didn't eat it he would be sad. I took my backpack, and started walking towards the front door. "Aren't you gonna wait so we can all drive together?" Your oldest brother said (Vincent). "Nah not really, when it comes to food y'all eat REAL good. It takes a long ass time, so I might as well walk myself there" you said while walking out of the door. It took about 10 minutes to get there. My legs were beat. It was my first day of High-school. Everyone was giving me dirty looks. I honestly couldn't give a less shit. I walked into the school, and some idiot decided to bump into me. "Argh" I said while falling to the floor. "My bad" he said and walked away not even helping me up. "This bitch" I thought while helping myself up. I found the office after some time. I walked in looking around, and waited in front of his door. "Come in" he said while fixing some documents. I opened the door to see the same dude who bumped into me. I gave him the same look he gave me earlier. "So y/n, this is your schedule and locker number. H/n will be showing you around the school, and thereafter lead you to your first class" he said. "Why
her?" H/n said while looking at you. That name was somehow familiar? Was it just the name or the personality? "It's not like I wanted you to show me around anyways" I said. "The decision is final" he said. "Fine" h/n said. He pretty much showed me the whole school. "I need to use the bathroom wait here, so I can show you your class" he said annoyed while walking into the boys bathroom. I was fed up just by being around him, so I left. I found the class myself, and walked inside. "My name is y/n, and I'm new here" I said while sitting on the remaining seat. After some time someone entered the door...

Author note:
This is my first Wattpad, so please don't hate! I will post the next part ASAP. Enjoy <3

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