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It was Stephanie's final year in primary school and she was hoping it would be a serious year but jokes on her that was the year where her love life will begin. 

She was starting to get used to the big adjustment of a new school and class when she kept noticing a boy staring at her non stop. Maybe it was her body because all the boys were salivating for a piece of her so she ignored him and continued with her daily duties.

Five days passed and he still did not stop. Their eyes kept meeting in class more than seven times in an hour. They both seemed shy around each other so none seemed to talk. It was not until the end of the day when they were in class alone. 

"Hi, I am Stephanie." she said.

"Hi, I am Jahi." he said.

Stephanie went closer to ask more questions but when she was three inches away she tripped and fell into the arms of Jahi. Instantly their eyes locked and It was Love at first sight. For some reason she could not move but only stare into hazel brown eyes of Jahi. Just then the school bell just rung and that moment disappeared. 

"I am so sorry! I did not mean for that to happen intentionally." Stephanie blurted out.

Jahi did not respond but all he did was smile and leave. That was the best moment of her life especially after she had never been in love. That night he was all she could ever think about and how she was longing for the alarm clock to ring so it was time to go back to school. She recalled of how she felt she was floating among the stars looking in his beautiful dreamy eyes. She would blush every time his name would appear in her mind.

That morning she gobbled down her breakfast so fast just to pressure her mother to leave for school an hour early just to meet Jahi. When she arrived in school she was not prepared for what she saw. In a class was Jahi making out with Jenna, a popular girl. How stupid she was to believe that a boy would finally like her for who she is and not her body. She had to enter because that was her class. She went and sat down with balancing tears and just decided to sleep because this was torture. 

The school day seemed to drag on forever but just as it was time to go home the teacher decided to arrange the seating charts and fate decided that Stephanie and Jahi will sit together at the back. Just great Stephanie's deskmate is her so called "crush". She tried coming up with a smart excuse so she could stay home from school but nothing seemed to work on her mother.

Oh how she was dreading to enter class and having to sit next to a boy who she would never have. It was bad enough he was popular but she had to deal will all the mean comments she was getting from the mean girls in her class. She only had one friend named Wendy and they were both known as the crazy, weird, nerdy team. Wendy was the only reason why Stephanie was still sane in that class. She finally met someone who was like her or even better.

She had told Wendy about what happened with Jahi  and she advised Stephanie to back off him if she does not want drama from Jenny and her crew. During class she was sure that Jai kept staring at her non stop but she continued ignoring him. It surely did not matter because he was popular and she was a nerd. What would he surely want from her? 

It was Thursday evening and it was raining so hard that hailstones were starting to pour. Stephanie was all alone in class. At least she thought that she was. She heard a familiar deep dreamy voice asking "Is everything okay?"

"Yes everything is okay but what are you doing here?" Stephanie replied.

" There is no one else in the school so I figured I would come and take a nap and then I saw you here." Jahi said.

"Okay then no one is stopping you." Stephanie replied.

He sat down and all Stephanie could ever think about was how she caught him making out with Jenna a few days ago. Tears started dropping from her eyes and she faced the wall so Jahi would not see her crying but he heard her trying to suck in her mucus.

"Is everything okay?" Jahi said while putting his hand on Stephanie.

She continued to agree that she was alright even though  you could clearly see that there were tears dropping from her eyes. She would write in this pink book and it made Jahi curious of what was in there so when Stephanie's mother came he quietly slipped it into his school bag.

Everything that Jahi read sent him into shock. He had never realised how Stephanie had fallen in love with him and how much she cared for him but all he did was push her away and o ang get with other girls.

The next morning at school Jahi broke up with Jenna and My Oh My! What such drama she caused. She was accusing Stephanie of taking her boyfriend and bewitching him. Stephanie just sat there with head down on the corner of the class bawling her eyes out. She wondered how Jahi had found out about her little crush on him because she surely did not tell him anything.

Jahi came down and sat next to her and said " Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine." Stephanie replied

"I do not know if it is me you do not trust but you can not lie to me this time round. I know nothing is fine this time round.You can talk to me about it."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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