Branded {Destiel}

255 14 6

Day 4 of suptober

Sometimes Dean wondered what he could have done different, from the moment Cas's handprint was burned into his flesh.

What could he have done when he had left for Lisa. Yes he had loved her, he had loved his life with her, but there was always something off, just out of reach. Hunting was his life, he couldn't have that with her, but Cas. What could he have done to keep the angel in his life.

What could he have done when Cas had become possessed by the leviathans? Maybe if he'd been a bit more open about his thoughts, about the way his heart hammered every time the angel was near. If he's tried to keep Cas a little closer.

What could he have done when he had left Cas in purgatory. Fought a little harder. Held the others hand a little tighter. Said the words that had been burning in his mind. I love you.

What could he have done when Cas lost his grace. Let him stay, admit every fear that coursed through his veins, every thought, every second of self hate. Admit how long he'd wanted the chance to feel the others lips against his own. What could Dean have done other than push him away.

What could he have done when Cas decided to protect Kelly. Been there for him. Supported his decision. Been with him every step of the way, instead of once again pushing him to the side.

What could Dean have done different to keep him, what could have done to make the other realize how much Dean needed him. Why couldn't he push aside his own hate, his own disgust. Why couldn't he have held onto the other a little longer, appreciated every second a little more.

Why couldn't he have let the words fall.

Why couldn't he have admitted to the hammering of his heart

Why couldn't he have let himself love Castiel.

What could he have done to change the outcome.

That was the only thought that spiralled through his head, as he sat on the floor of the bunker. What could he have done different. Either way it didn't matter.

He was alone, with a bloody handprint on his jacket sleeve. No Cas, no empty, and no changing his mistakes.

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Despite my better judgment I decided to participate in suptober :)
Someone stop me

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