Eternal Fatal Love

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       Eternal Fatal Love

At that moment I thought it was the worst day of my life ...

I woke up suddenly, my eyes widened, I found myself in a coffin ...

I despaired, my heart began to beat very strongly ..


I started hitting the lid with my hands and asking for help.

I felt like I was running out of oxygen ...

"This is my end" I thought, already discouraged and given up.

I closed my eyes and began to breathe slowly.

I was already falling asleep I think, or maybe I was losing consciousness, but some strange noises startled me.

Suddenly the coffin opened ...

What was my surprise when I saw a beautiful woman, her beauty was unique.  Her skin was so pale, her red lips and honey-colored eyes contrasted perfectly with her wavy hair as dark as night.

I think I have lost consciousness, when I woke up I was already out of the grave in his arms.

She was staring at me silently.

"It was close, wasn't it?" He finally said smiling.

"What's all this fuss about?" Exclaimed the caretaker, shining a lantern towards where we were.

When he saw me he turned very pale and made the sign of a cross and ran towards the exit of the cemetery.

I lost consciousness again ...

I woke up suddenly, I was in a room, she was lying next to me, staring at me again, her gaze was hypnotic, I had never seen her in the village.

Without thinking I kissed her, she responded by kissing me passionately, that excited me too much, I had never kissed anyone, not even my fiancée, well I was very young then.

So I spent the night with her ...

Again I woke up altered, it had just dawned, I looked around and she was not there, I felt strange, I remembered everything that happened, I immediately got dressed and ran to my house.

As he had imagined, they were all very upset.

But what had seemed strange to me was that my mother had asked me if that woman had not hurt me.  I blushed and said no.

Later a doctor explained to us that I suffered from catalepsy, that is why they had buried me alive.

I couldn't believe it, I finally saw my fiancée for a moment, she looked at me very annoyed, as if she knew what I had done, I felt a little bad, but I couldn't get that woman out of my head.

It was like this that for three consecutive nights we were together again, her name was Emily.

But the last night had been very different ...

We had sex, yes, but at one point his eyes turned blood red and huge fangs were sticking out of his mouth.

I was paralyzed.

He stared at me and said:

–Finn, I love you very much, I hope you forgive me for doing this to you–
After saying that he pounced on me, and stabbed his fangs into my neck.

I felt excruciating pain, and I couldn't move, I felt like my life was slowly turning off.

Then he bit his wrist and abruptly introduced it into my mouth to drink his blood, he released me and said:

–When you wake up again we will be together forever–

I lost consciousness.

When I woke up I felt very different, weird, I don't know how to explain it.

She was not there, I went out to look for her, I needed her to explain many things to me.

It was already dusk.

In the main town square I could see a great commotion.

I walked over and was stunned when I saw Emily lying on the ground, her chest having been pierced by a large copper stake.

My mother stood in front of me.

"Finn, how could you hide from us that she was a vampire!"

I looked at her in surprise.

"Yes brother, if it hadn't been for Aimé, we would never have known," my sister exclaimed annoyed.

I was very stunned, I couldn't react, it had been too ...

I ran to Aimé's house, I was surprised to notice how fast I could run, I arrived in a matter of seconds.

"Why did you do that?" I asked desperately.

"I know you had something with her, she was also a vampire!" Aimé yelled.

Fury invaded me, I pounced on her and thrust my fangs into her neck.

After a few minutes my fiancee was lying dead at my feet ...

I jumped out of a window.

I ran tirelessly away from town.

After everything that happened, I couldn't continue there.

Everything had completely changed ...

Now I just have to try to adapt to this new life.

But without Emily, by my side it will be more difficult to live for all eternity ...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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