First Impressions

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Ever since falling out with your most recent partner, you've spent almost every night at the bar, trying to drown all memories of them. You come to the bar alone, and you leave alone. You can never remember when, or even how, you got home by morning. Tonight, you thought, was going to be no exception.

You take your usual seat at the bar, signaling the bartender with your hand. You don't have to say anything. He's familiar with your usual by now. You lean both elbows on the bar and try to keep your head up. It felt so heavy, like it was made of lead. Almost against your will, your head lowers to meet the counter. You fold one arm and rest your head on it, closing your eyes. The sound of your drink being placed next to you isn't enough to motivate you to raise your head. While you rest, someone takes a seat next to you.


You open your eyes to see a smiling figure, his head tilted to match yours. He appeared to be entirely red aside from his wings, which were nearly black. Horns sprouted from his head, and he had big pointed ears, one having a gold earring. The rings on his fingers matched his piercing. He was wearing all black.

"Are you alright?"

His lips didn't move when he spoke, but you're too tired to really process it -- or any of his odd features, for that matter. The question is what you focus on, sending a tidal wave of emotions crashing into you, spilling from your eyes. He sits up and laces his hands together, the smile not leaving him.

"Perhaps not, then."

You hide your face in your arm as you sob.

"What's the matter, my dear?"

Over the next several minutes, you let out every thought that's been rattling in your head these past weeks. In reality, they came out jumbled between sobs and nearly incomprehensible. The asker nodded as if he understood. He had gotten the gist, though.

"That's terrible, I'm sorry that happened to you ... no one deserves to be treated that way."

Maybe not, you say with a frown, but you wonder why it keeps happening to you. A moment passes in silence before he changes the subject.

"You never touched your drink,"

You look at your glass and see the ice has melted. It's probably for the better that it's a bit watered down.

"Did you come here alone?"

You nod.

"I did, as well. Perhaps we could be alone together?"

That sounds nice, you admit to him. You felt a little better, enough to keep your head up at least. Even though this man was a stranger, you already felt comfortable in his presence. You tell him your name, then ask for his.

"A pleasure to meet you, [Y/N]. You can call me Mr. Boogie."

A unique name, for sure. Deciding not to question it, you thank him for letting you vent, and seeing if you were ok. Mr. Boogie shakes his head.

"Quite alright. I just couldn't sit idle knowing that a beautiful soul like you was sitting all alone."

You grin and feel your face flush, trying to casually hide your growing smile with your hand. He chuckles seeing this.

"Don't cover your smile, [Y/N], it's wonderful. I love to see it."

Mr. Boogie reaches over and gently pulls your hand from your face, holding it aside to admire you. Your face feels very hot as you meet his eyes. Something about his touch just feels ... different.

For the first time in a long while, you're looking forward to the rest of night.

Behind The Smile -- Mr. Boogie x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now