Part 1

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Kuzgun entered the front door to their home and instantly the comforting smell he loved so much, greeted him.

After a busy day at work all he wanted to do was have a perfect evening with his wife.

He removed his shoes and noticed Dila's heels were there and her slippers were gone. It meant she was also home, and his lips rose into a grateful smile.

He then slid his own slippers on and made his way down the hallway to their kitchen. On the way he walked past their wedding photo on the wall and stopped for a moment to take it in as he did everyday when he returned home from work. Their faces were pressed together for the camera, their happiness shining through. It was one of the best days of Kuzgun's life, and he had cherished every moment of it. 

He nodded his head towards the image and decided to go and find his favorite person, so he made his way into the open plan living and kitchen area.

He placed the bag of take out food on the counter and observed the room. He frowned as their home appeared quiet and still.

He didn't see Dila anywhere, but it only took him a moment before he knew exactly the place she would be.

Kuzgun smirked as he got closer to the sliding doors to the balcony and spotted her laid out on the day bed, book in one hand and tea in the other.

His lips curled into a knowing smile, Dila's down time when she wasn't working was to be out on their balcony doing exactly this.

Kuzgun stepped quietly outside, but stopped and watched her before approaching.

Her favorite pastime was to read, his was to watch her.

When she turned the page of her book and let out a little infectious giggle, he couldn't help but smile at her endearing laugh when she thought no one else was around. This was the sight he loved to come home to every single day, it felt peaceful and serene. As their life always should have been.

He then slowly walked behind her, leaning down to gently kiss the top of her hair. She didn't even flinch at his touch, both of them having the ability to sense each other's presence practically all the time. 

Kuzgun ran his hands down her soft arms as he felt her melt into his embrace. He lingered his lips against her hair, losing himself completely in her delicate and intoxicating scent.

"Mmm, iyi akşamlar, canım" he murmured against her hair, placing another kiss to it.

She put her book and tea down on the table beside her and tilted her head back to greet him.

Her beautiful face gazing back up at him, "Hoşgeldin, aşkım" she whispered and puckered her lips for him to kiss her. 

He wasted no time at all and swiftly leant down to capture her soft lips with his.

She quietly moaned underneath him, a noise that would make him forget all about the take out food he had brought home for them.

Kuzgun's mouth parted from hers for only a moment, and he went back in for more with his eyes still closed, he leaned in to find his lips not meeting hers and a feeling of disappointment washed over him.

She had clearly moved her head away, so his face was now leaning forward into nothingness, much to his disdain.

His eyes then quickly opened and she was facing him, sitting on her knees. A smile laid upon her lips like she had no idea what she had just done.

He cleared his throat, "Sağol, Dila" he remarked quietly.

Dila's hands came to her lips, the sudden realisation occuring, "Oh! Özür dilerim, canım! Gel!" she chuckled and grabbed his face in her hands and pressed her lips against his.

London Calling - Kuzgun/KuzDilWhere stories live. Discover now