Chapter 1 - A New Start

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I took one last look at the only real home I had ever known taking in the smell and the image before we had to move. I was so lost in thought I hadn't even noticed Jasper behind me. He lightly tapped my shoulder. I spun around relived to find him looking back at me. Without having to say it he hugged me, a sudden rush of calm running through me. As he let me go I ran out of the house wanting to savor the calm. As I see Edward he walks over hugging me tightly, he knows how I feel about this move. After he lets me I get in the car letting him speed off. Me, Edward, Jasper, and Rosalie decided to leave later than the others. I wanted to savor the last moments I had at the house and they didn't want me to be here alone. I sat in the backseat with Rose, Edward driving and Jasper in the passenger. I sighed and layed my head on Rose's shoulder. She and I had been turned the same way so we grew close very quickly.

- Flashback - 

It was a dark night, I was still awake finishing my homework. My parents were out of town so I invited my boyfriend over. When he got there he was drunk and stunk of vodka. I wanted to ask him about it but before I could get a chance he was pushing himself on me. I tried to get him off but that made him angry. He hit me, raped me, and left me to die. My bestfriend found me the following morning bleeding out. Carsile found me at the hospital brain dead. He bit me and turned me.

- End of flashback - 

I shutter at the thought of my past, only two years ago yet I never could shake the feeling of it happening. All my siblings told me they didn't remember there human life but I remembered mine crystal clear. Edward looks back at me concern in his eyes. He could see the images that scattered my brain. "I can't drive when I can see that, think of something else" he stated eyes back on the road. I chuckled lightly and thought about the first time I met them 

- Flashback - 

I walked into the unfrimilar house behind Charsile. I was greeted by 8 pale figures, one tan one. They introduced themselves, Edward, Bella, there daughter Renesme, her boyfriend Jacob (the tan one), Alice, Rosalie, Emmet, Esme, and Jasper. My breath that I no longer needed hitched as I saw Jasper. They were all breathtaking but Jasper was different. There was something that made me long for him, to kiss him, to touch him. I quickly looked away unaware of what had just happened. Edward chuckled and whispered something to Bella. She looked up at me with a warm smile. "Edward here can read minds, Alice can see the future, and Jasper.." Charsile spoke his name my eyes wandered back to him now catching his. "he can feel emotion and make you feel emotions." Jasper smiled at me a little. 

- End of Flashback -

I now noticed the feeling of loss as I remembered the place I fell in love. If I could cry I would be breaking down but thank god I wasn't. I suddenly felt hand on my arm. I opened my eyes to see Jasper now taking the place of Rose. He must have felt my loss because a sudden wave of calm now washed over me as we pull into the driveway of this unknown place. Jasper still doesn't move his hand but he doesn't know that he doesn't need to control my emotions to calm me. All he has to do is be near me. I sigh pushing his hand away and muttering a quiet 'thanks' before getting out of the car. Edward hugged me as he gets out knowing what thoughts were going through my head but unexpectedly they weren't about the house. I couldn't care less anymore, all I wanted was Jasper. Edward let go of me to let Rose put her arm on my shoulder. She led me inside and I was greeted by the rest of the family the same way I was at the old house. I guess they thought it would help but I just turned to Rose and asked where my room was. All I wanted was to close my eyes and think. Everything was calm in the dark. She told me and I ran up to my room not wanting to look anyone in the eye. I could hear everyone talking downstairs but one voice was missing. I opened my eyes to find Edward in my room. "What do you want?" I asked sitting up in the bed I had no real use for but I liked the comfort. "You have to tell him!" he said now moving over to me. "I cant!" I yelled maybe a little too loud. All the voices from downstairs stopped. "You have to tell Jasper!" He yelled back knowing Jasper was gonna hear him. "I don't wanna tell him! Is that so wrong? To keep this secret until it goes away?" I asked ignoring the fact that Jasper would try to get this out of me for the next 100 years but I couldn't tell him before it went away. "You can't keep this secret because its not gonna go away!" he yelled. "YOU CAN READ MINDS CANT YOU? CANT YOU JUST TELL  ME IF ITS WORTH IT?" I yell back now realizing how loud we were yelling. "that's his job!" he spoke going to open the door. As the door opened Jasper was on the other side. Edward didn't acknowledge him and walked away. They had been good at welcoming me into the family so this was just a sibling fight. Jasper sat down on my bed looking at his hands for a while before finally speaking. "So what do you need to tell me?" he asked looking into my eyes. "NOTHING!" I yell still a little mad about the fight with Edward. I immediately regretted my tone of voice but Jasper placed a hand on my shoulder sending a wave of calm over me. "You and Edward don't just fight over nothing Y/N." he pressed taking his hand away and getting up to leave. I shut the door with my mind (my power). "I don't know if I'm ready to tell you yet but..." I spoke a little bit quiet afraid of the words about to come out of my mouth. "I love you"

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