Chosen One

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"Sylvain! Wait, come back! Sylvain!"
Despite my tearing against the wind, Danshov's voice was successfully carried to my ears. Not heeding my persuer's pleas, I pushed myself harder, all the while ignoring the piercing pain at my sides. I have been running for God knows how many miles and my environment didn't seem to change.

Disturbing the soil and leaves on the ground as I ran, I probably left a cloud of dust in my wake. Trees seemed to rush as fast as I did, giving me an illusion that they were running too- that I was not alone, I can do this.

Now, I was so close to my destination. I could feel it, I could feel the gradual change in the atmosphere. It was becoming more fresh, not contaminated by the overpowering scents of the wilderness. I knew the feeling that smell brought, it brought the feeling of not being captured anymore, the feeling of freedom.

Not to be overwhelmed by my sudden euphoria, I listened for any sound behind me. Nothing. Not even my persuer's foot falls, he had lost me to the pitch darkness of the night. I could see the Savannah Lands ahead of me, no more trees, free land and air. I was alone-free!- Finally! No one can find me now! Not the Elites, the Warriors, the Brotherhood, or even D'mytri. I am a free man, no one can contain me!

"Sylvain, stop!" I skidded to a rapid halt that I almost crushed into Danshov. I mentally scolded myself, how could I have been so stupid? Of course he had taken a shorter route and over took me , just to materialise before me.

I was heavily panting. We stood motionless, each man facing the other. I stared at my friend, a true companion I had until I decided to join The Dark-void Brotherhood and betray my fellow Elites. The only person who, with no doubt, had a place in my heart.

For no apparent reason, flashes of our dearest memories erupted in my mind as I looked into his eyes. I am around six feet tall but we could comfortably confront each other at eye-level. He has always been on my side since our childhood but at that moment, I realised that we had to be separated. Separated by fate. The flash of pain that coursed through my being was unexpected along with the feeling of a huge empty space in my heart, a space that can only be filled by Danshov.

"You have to come back comrade, we need you." His voice was composed and he was visibly calm, although if I at all knew anything about the man, from the inside he was anything but calm.

Hmmm. Typical trained member of the Elite forces huh? Two can play at this game.

I snorted in response, " You don't need me, and there is no way I'm going back there." I tried going around him but he stepped side ways and we were now toe to toe. I made sure that nothing about my facade gave away the feeling of being ripped apart I was experiencing inside.

" You are coming back Sylvain. We don't care about what you did, you are one of us." The declaration he just made took a while to settle in my mind. But how? How could they forgive a traitor just like that without me facing the consequences of my actions first. No, something is not right. I must be very alert and ready for anything.

"Correction Danshov," I could see the slight flinch as I used his full name instead of Danny, "I was one of you, but I betrayed the Elites and joined our foes. At that time, I thought I was doing it for our family but now I have lost them all to the war, I have no reason to stay with Dark-void anymore. I also don't deserve to be called one of your own, I don't even deserve to be an Elite anymore. I'm going into the darkness, you will never hear of me again. I have to run, D'mytri is going to kill me and-"

"D'mytri is dead." The revelation hit me like a bomb. It was difficult to believe. D'mytri, leader of The Dark-void Brotherhood is dead? My number one oppressor for the whole of this decade is now no more. He had forced me to join him, to serve him. He begun by threatening me, since I was the Commander of the Elite Warriors. D'mytri threatened to mercilessly kill all my family members. I ignored him at first but then true to his words, he killed my only sister. I found her head at my doorstep early one morning, attached to the head was a note that read:

Join me or your mother will be
next...I take pleasure in beheading
them. You have a fortnight to decide

Lord D'mytri.

I had to do as he wished, for my family. I had served under his sceptre for a little more than a decade and now...he is no more. My thoughts and feelings were now in a major spin, but I mastered the little courage to ask,

"What about the rest of the Brotherhood?"
There was a slight pause before he answered.
"The ones who aren't dead surrendered, they are now our slaves."
I knew it! I knew they couldn't just let me free that way, I was to suffer the same fate.
"So you also want me to be your-" He cut my query short with a horrified expression on his face.

"No! You will not be a slave. You are the Chosen One."
I waited for the sudden burst of laughter from Danny, for him to tell me that his 'Chosen One' nonsense was just a joke. Coming to think of it, I was actually missing his ever present playfulness or atleast a smile from him didn't come. He continued to stare at me, probably waiting for the heaviness of his previous words to sink in.

It couldn't be, I had betrayed our people and joined the evil forces. The gods must have been wrong- but they are never wrong. Yes, I get it now, this was their plan to lure me back to my destruction. Ofcourse I couldn't be King.

The snap of a twig rattled me back to my senses, one by one, guards emerged from the thick of the forest and on to the vast space of land. I counted about fifteen of them and from experience of the Elite Warriors,there were probably another fifteen still in the woods. I held back a smirk as I thought,

One of my very own techniques- never reveal your true numbers.

I stepped back and crouched into a defensive stance. One of the guards tentatively approached me and, much to my surprise, bow his head in respect. I was baffled.

"Chosen One, we mean no harm. We ask you to hear our plea, do not leave us like sheep without a shepherd. King Zahir has left the throne bare as he died fighting D'mytri. The gods have sent us to get you for you are the rightful heir of the throne."

Another shocking revelation had been thrown my way. Zahir is dead, gone alongside his mortal enemy D'mytri. The Elites were now bare to the world, no one to cover them up and rule them and no opposition too. This was too much for them...too much for me too.

Perfectly on cue, they all fell to one knee before me, including my ally Danshov and recited the words that only a ruler is worthy of being told. No...a King.

"May you live long Seigneur, Le libérateur de tous les opprimes!" I looked at each and every one of them and I was taken aback with the kind of sincerity etached on their faces. Their words echoed in my mind, they had called me 'Lord, the liberator of all oppressed'. I was elated by the meaning and depth of the words and as I saw my comrade on one knee before me, willing to be at my service after all I have done to them, I made my decision.

"Get up my people, the land of Elites will not be without a shepherd, for I am here." They rose at their king's command and bowed before me.

I had made a decision to stay and lead my fellow Elites, for the gods had given me a second chance, or even Opportunity.


Hey guys! I hope you loved the short story there. Anyways, thank you so so much for reading it and please don't forget to vote. Your support will be highly appreciated. You can also comment or give your views on the story. Correction is mostly welcomed.

By the way, I have an ongoing novel dabbed 'I Wanna Be'. You can try it out and also leave a comment about it. I'll also be frequently publishing many short stories very soon so stay tuned to my wattpad account for more thrilling stories.

Enough of the banter, I dearly love you all!
Cheers!!! ;-)

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