Chapter One: The confession.

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"I-I like you Kageyama!" Hinata Screams at the boy in front of him. Both boys stopped walking, "I-I'm sorry Hinata, But I can't return your feelings." Kageyama says, He hadn't really thought much of it, He didn't know Hinata felt that way, He didn't know it at the time but he felt something similar. "I-I, Just give me 50 Days!" The boy screamed, "What?" The setter said, looking back at the Smaller boy, who was bowed over crying. "Give me 50 days, to make you like me!" He said, rubbing his eyes, and looking up at the boy, smiling. Kageyama didn't know what else to say, he knew you couldn't make someone like you in jut 50 days so he went with it. "Yeah Sure." He said looking at the boy, And after that is when it got interesting.

"Okay Team, That's enough practice for today!" Daichi said to everyone else sitting on the floor In front of him who was getting up. "Kageyama, Hinata, I need you two to stay." Suga said looking at Daichi who was nodding his head. "Yes sir!" Both boys said, Going with the rest of the team to help clean up. Suga and Daichi were on the edge to find out what was going on with the two boys, they were awkward around each other, and they were screwing up their quick attacks the last few days, and they had a big match coming up soon, so They needed to straighten the two out before then.

(LIKE MY JOKE??? 'straighten' LOL)

The two boys got done cleaning up with the others, and they made there was over to Daichi and Suga who were talking, about what? they had no clue. "You wanted to see us?" Hinata said, "Yes, We wanted to talk about your quick attack." Daichi said crossing his arms and looking at Suga. "Yes, You two have been distracted lately, is something going on? Suga said, Crossing his arms as well, which made Hinata and Kageyama Tense up. "Oh we were? I didn't even notice" Hinata said Nervously scratching his head. "Hinata, I know your lying. Just tell us what's going on already, we aren't going to Judge you." Daichi said, getting to the point. It was silent for a Minute, Kageyama and Hinata both looked at each other and back at their Upperclassmen. "Well its a long story, but to put it shortly.." Hinata said, getting cut off by Kageyama, "He likes me. He confessed to me when we were walking home a few days ago, and he said he was going to try to get me to like him back in 50 days, and now its awkward." Kageyama said bluntly making Hinata turn to him blushing, "Kageyama!" Hinata said, "Oh I see!" Suga said with a short laugh following. "That's still no excuse to be messing up your quick attacks, if you two cant get this sorted out by next week, you will not be going to the Tokyo with all of us." Daichi said, making Everyone's else turn to him, he wasn't having it. He wanted his two best player's to play just as much as everyone else, but he wasn't about going to have them mess everything up and put a bad name on karasuno. "He isn't wrong, but don't get it messed up! We want you two to play just as much as everyone else but, we cant have you to messing this up in front of big schools. Just think about this, and sort things out Okay?" Suga said with his Mom smile on, with put the things Daichi said to ease. "Okay, now we are heading out. Don't forget to lock up when you guys leave." Suga said, handing the key to Kageyama. "Kay.." Kageyama said, Hinata and Him both waving as the two walked out of the gym.

The two boys stood there in awkward silence for a while, thinking about what Daichi said, and they knew he wasn't playing. They had to get things straight, putting feelings aside, volley ball was most important to the two. They could never put feelings first, and Hinata knew he did wrong, He shouldn't have put his feeling in front of volley ball. "Hey, I know what your thinking, Volleyball is important right now yes, but don't go throwing your feelings in the trash got it? You told me you were going to make me like you right? I'm looking forward to it." Kageyama said, slapping the back of Hinata's head to get him out of his thinking. Hinata heard what he wanted to of what Kageyama had said, he just smiled and gave him a, "Yeah got it!'" And they left. They talked about their quick attacks, and about the on coming game in Tokyo, and they put their feeling aside, or at least for now.


Okay, I know this was short, but the ones after will be longer I promise. In this Chapter I mainly focused on the Confession, I'm sorry if there are any Grammar mistakes I'm not really good at that stuff heh.. But let me know how y'all liked the story line and if y'all wanna see more! I actually like where this is going!! Also, I have another story out, 'Long Distance' That story I haven't had ideas for, so that is on hold for now! <3

Word count: 873

&quot;You will fall in love with me!&quot; [A kagehina love story] (Smut & fluff)Where stories live. Discover now