Chapter one - another christmas

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The wind howled as I walked along the snow covered streets. Finding out that my fiancé had been cheating on me for three months with my BEST friend - typical - wasn't exactly a great way to start a new year. I felt as if a hole had been punched through my chest and I searched my brain, desperately trying to think of a way to fill it up again. I heard the sound of silver bells ringing in the distance and the ho ho hoing of the raising money santas'. The flickering lights of the coffee house glowed in the night and then it suddenly clicked. I knew how I could fill up my empty hole. Hot coco. I smelt the sweet sensation of fresh hot chocolate and peppermint as I walked through the door.
"Merry Christmas", the coffee house' staff greeted. To my suprise, the whole coffee house was packed. And I mean packed.
"Oh! Sir there is one more available space at that end table there. Do you see?", a staff member with a name tag called 'Janette' asked.
"Sure." I mumbled. It was a little round table with two little stools on either side. On one, there sat a lady who looked about my age - 23. She had strawberry blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail and she had on an extremely oversized pair of sunglasses. A purple scarf wrapped around her neck gently.
As I made my way over to the small table I took my jacket of, leaving my pullover on.
"Hello" I croaked.
"Hi" she croaked warily in return.
"Tough Christmas?" I asked. Maybe talking about something or to someone would make me feel better.

"You have no idea." She moaned.
"I will take that bet." At that, she took off her oversized sunglasses, revealing her sapphire blue eyes. She then proceeded to taking of her scarf. Here we go.

After ordering the coffee house' famous peppermint hot chocolate, she told me her story. She was in tenancy and her boyfriend Jack was saying how he so wished she was here and blah blah blah. She decided to suprise him and come home early to find... Something not so pretty happening on her couch. Gruesome. Then I told my mopey story and we were talking about ways to make it all go away. For the pain to leave.

"Food!" I said, "lots and lots of really good food!" We were both silent, lost in our own wonderful thoughts.
"I've got it!" She exclaimed, "holiday. Paris or Italy or to a tropical island somewhere! A... A paradise."
"Yes! That's perfect!" I said. To my suprise, my lips started to hurt all of the smiling that I thought I would never do again.
The lady looked at her watch and her eyes flung towards me.
"Shoot! I have to go! I'm sorry! It was nice to meet you!" She yelled as she made her way out the door.

I sighed. I do need to get away. And I know the perfect place... A place that was far away from here... A place far away from her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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