If only she could be mine

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I tried,
But I failed.
I tried to concield,
But I'm weak.

I didn't choose this,
My heart was recless.
Why try to do something,
When the results not worth it.

In the day I dream of her eyes,
In the night I dream of her smile.
Not even the moon can shine so bright,
Like the stars or her eyes.

If only she could be mine,
I'll lay the world in front of her.
If only she could be mine,
My life could became brighten.

The sun shine more when she smiles,
The stars are glowing when she laughs.
And my heart is beating fast at the thought of her being mine.

Mine, mine, mine,
If only she could be mine.....
Then my life would be fine


Happy birthday Abi Thunder_A, hope you understand how much you mean to me ☺️

Lots of love Anna

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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