Life saver

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"Mom, please I have to go!"

"Wait! I'm just packing your lunch."

"Done, lets go."

Her mom quickly got into the car and soon her foot landed on the accelerator.

"I'm 24, soon 25 but you still act like I'm 4. I can go by myself without you being by my side." The younger woman said as she started driving.

"Don't you remember what happened last time? You almost got into an accident. No, I'm not letting you drive alone anymore."

"Accident? It was just a little-"

"Shut up! Keep your eyes on the road. And you must finish your lunch this time." said the older brunette lady strictly while putting the lunch box inside her daughter's bag.

"You know there's a cafeteria at my work place." Whined the 24 years old woman to her mother.

"Few months ago you got food poisoning, I didn't want to let you eat out but your dad insisted and now look at the consequences."

"Mom I had food poisoning , not anymore. Moreover, it's really comm-"

"I told you to shut up right."

"Tell dad that I'll be coming with my friends so he doesn't have to pick me up."

"But...ok, don't come alone, I should see you with your friends." The mother said hesitantly.

"Goodbye." She kissed on her cheeks and got out of the car and her mother moved to the driver's seat.


She entered the hospital with a sigh. On her way to the lab she smiled and greeted the staffs like usual. Her presence made the hospital's environment lively.

"So she is going to drive back home?." Asked her curious colleague.

"I'm so sorry but why does she need to accompany you, why can't you come alone?"

"After that little accident she doesn't let me drive alone, both of my parents have always been really protective of me since I was born but I feel like their protectiveness towards me is increasing recently. Maybe because of their age......I don't know honestly." She answered.

After their little conversation she washed her hands, put on her uniform and mask to head to her patient. She's a hematologist.

"Good morning miss Lenard. I'll be drawing your blood today. Please sit comfortably as I prepare the instruments." She said with a smile.

Her smile automatically made the patient relax and calm. As if her smile had some sort of magic.

She touched her arm to find the vein and when she did, she cleaned that area with an alcohol swap, ready to insert the needle.

"Take a deep breath." She said as she inserted the need and blood started filling the tube.

Her honey brown eyes were fixed on the blood. The tube was filling slowly but her eyes and concentration were on the blood. She felt something strange while looking at it, she seemed lost. And it happened for the first time with her. She has been in this career for over an year now but for the first time she felt like this.

"Is it done?" The patient asked making her come back to her senses.

"Oh..yes yes." She quickly but carefully removed the needle and put a bandage on that area.

"After 24 hours you'll get your results, have a nice day." She bid farewell to her patient.

What just happened to me? Did I zone out?

She labeled the tube and while she was putting it with the other tubes on the rack, her mind went blank again. Her concentration only on the blood inside the tubes. She could smell the blood and she felt like as if the blood was hypnotizing her. Her mind couldn't think of anything else but blood.

"What just happened to me now?" She came back to her senses.

"Is it because of sleeping late last night? I should drink some coffee." She said to herself while removing her gloves.

She then washed her hands and headed to the cafeteria to grab her coffee.

"Didn't have breakfast?" Her colleague and also friend asked her as she was pouring herself some espresso.

"No, I was just feeling ....strange." She replied.

"Strange? You should do a check up. Anyways, how is your research on last week's patient going on?"

"Thanks Seulgi for your concern and I have prepared a report on him and he probably has aplastic anemia."

She then paused and came to realisation.

"Oh no! We'll talk later, I have to be at my department right now, bye." She said before running with her coffee towards the lift while Seulgi was just smiling at her silliness.


"So I'm going to drop you two home today." Bianca said while they were walking towards the exit of the hospital.

"I have some extra work to do so I don't think I'll be able to go home early today, I have to go to another lab to give some samples."

"Ok then we are going, goodbye."

"Good bye."

Bianca's Phone ringing ~~


"What?! Ok I'm coming."

"Diana , I'm sorry but I have to go home quickly, my sister had an accident."

"Please don't be sorry and go bring her to the hospital as soon as possible if things are critical."

I hope she's fine. I have to walk home today but hopefully mom won't be angry today.


She was walking down the streets, looking carefully on both her sides even if she was not crossing roads, as her mom had advised her. She was upset after knowing about her friend's sister moreover, she was stressed about her health. Her mind kept thinking about the incident that happened in the morning when she was drawing blood from the patient and when she was labeling the tubes. And soon she was lost in her thoughts.

While she was thinking about her day suddenly a car out of nowhere started approaching her in full speed. Before she could even turn her head to look at the approaching car, someone grabbed her and moved with a speed of light, maybe even faster. The next thing she knew was that she was standing on the foothpath. She was standing still, her mind couldn't process what just happened to her.

"Oh my god!." She shouted in shock and felt someone separating from her back.

She quickly turned her head to look at the person who just saved her but she saw no one. The road was almost empty now. But she knew someone did save her from getting hit by a car. She could feel someone holding her a few seconds ago. Turning herself from right to left, she tried searching for that person, but no one was there.

After few minutes of standing still to process everything she finally started walking, this time making sure to not get lost in her thoughts.

Half Blood Priestess Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant