Strangers in my house

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Author POV
Y/n knows her mom was in a relationship for a while but she barely met the man. Y/n wakes up to unfamiliar noises in the room next to her.

Y/n's POV
I was having the best Sleep ever until I got woken up by the sound of my mom talking to some people outside my room. She sounded like she was giving a house tour. Then a heard the man say "get your things unpacked Felix." I was confused on who these people were so I just stayed in my room and sat in my bed for a bit. Not 6 seconds later I hear a knock on my door, it was my mom. I can always sense when she's gonna come to my door. "Honey come outside there's some people I'd like you to meet!" She says. I don't hear her walk away so I tell her that I'm coming. As I walk outside my door her and two guys are also outside my door. One was a guy my age. I wasn't aware of how I looked. My hair was wavy with lots of tangles and baby hairs sticking out, my eyes weren't all the way open so I was squinting a bit and I was wearing black shorts that were really short and a white t-shirt that made my body look tiny in it. "Oh did you sleep okay?" She asked surprised with how tired I looked. I noticed all of them smile as I nodded my head softly. Except the boy just stared at me. "This is yon ley, you've met him and this is Felix, his son." She explains to me. "Nice to meet you." I said. He fake smirked as he walked to the guest room. His father apologized for him. My mom said it was fine and told us to get some breakfast.

I got ready and put on a oversized bunny hoodie. It was long enough to be a dress anyways so I didn't wear shorts under. When I walked to the kitchen felix was on the the couch watching tv,he looked at me up and down then rolled his eyes. I wanted to be nice so I asked if he'd be going to my high school but he didn't respond so Mr. Lee did instead. Turns out he was. It was already April and school ended next month. Eh. My Saturday went really nice I went to hang out at my friend shays house. So I fell right asleep when I came home, I even forgot to close my bedroom door.

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