Anyone ever wonder about "soulmates"?

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Anyone ever wonder what it would be like to actually meet the "perfect" person for them. Like not just someone, but that one person who truly lights up your world. That one person you you can watch all day and never get bored, or maybe shower with them and just feel comfortable about it no feelings of embarrassment or nervousness or even the feeling that you need to impress them, because you just feel so right with them that it just feels like you were meant for each other and you won't ever be able to feel for someone quite as well as you do for them. But most of all the feelings that should be there like the security you feel wrapped up with them in bed or on a couch, just holding on to each other because it feels nice and safe and for lack of a better word perfect. I sometimes wonder if there truly is a person in this world who would be able to deal with the shit I pull or the problems I have. If someone truly can deal with me I feel as though they can deal with anything. Someone who don't just ignore me or hate me because I'm odd. Someone who can deal with what could happen to me without panicking and that I could do the same for them. I feel as though that is a true fairy tail one in which two souls destionded to be together can truly overcome everything else in life and live happily. Two people facing possible oceans and languages as barriers along with customs, traditions, family, and friends who may try to hold them apart for many reasons varying from jealousy to hate, what's supposidley wrong to betrayal, envy, to what's "best" for them. I hate that people try to keep others back from things they pursue. I understand if there is a problem like age but where I live if I were to date someone a year younger or older than me and one of us turns eighteen we have to separate or worry about what may happen if we don't. There once was a law in this state that many still have, the law in simple terms states that if two people are together within(before) two years of  the elder person turning eighteen the people are protected from punishment that deals with an illegal relationship with a minor. People close to me have almost had problems with this because we don't have the law anymore they could have been punished by law. Luckily we live in a small town and nobody here cares to much about people's relationships if it doesn't influence their lives directly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2020 ⏰

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