Summer | Chapter One

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It was the last day of school. The bell rang, students came rushing out of the classrooms. You and your brother Stan walked out of science class. Stan was trying to catch up to his friends. I didn't join though. I just walked slowly behind them. I haven't really hung out with Stan's friends in a while. In fact, they used to be my friends back in 4th grade. We kind of just drifted since then. I am in the same class with some of them, but I never really have a chance talk to them. What am I supposed to say? 'What's up, big Bill, it's your best friend who decided to talk to you for the first time in 3 years!' Bill had come over a week ago, though. Me and Bill had a lot in common. Especially now since his brother. I feel terrible for what happened. Georgie was a sweet kid. I remember seeing him when he was just a baby. Even when we stopped hanging out whenever Georgie saw me he'd always give me a soft 'hi, y/n!' Bill would understand what I'm going through. Kind of wish we stayed friends. He was always so easy to talk to.

I continued to follow them. "Wait up, guys!" Stan shouted running to the boys. "Hey, Suh-Stan? What happens at the bar mitzvah, anyways? Ed's says they slice the tip of your dih-dick off." Bill stated. Why the hell are they talking about dicks? "What the hell, why would you think that?" I laughed turning to Eddie. "Shit why did I just say that?" "Who just barges into conversations like that?" "Fuck fuck fuck" I continued to over think.

He turned red and got embarrassed. "I heard it on television..." he answered. "Your an idiot." Stan said rolling his eyes. "I think the Rabbis gonna pull down your pants, then they'll turn to the crowd and say 'where's the beef?" Richie laughed. "At the bar mitzvah I read from the torah and then I make a speech and suddenly, I become a man." He starts. "And Y/N becomes a woman." He adds, turning to me. "I could think of funner ways to become a man." Richie claims. "More fun, you mean." Stan corrected Richie.

We past by the school assholes Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Victor Criss, and Belch Huggins. They just tried to ignored them. So did you. "Think they'll sign my year book?" Richie asked. "Dear Richie, sorry for taking a hot steaming dump in your backpack last March, have a good summer!" Richie quoted. Greta had then pushed past me and Stan bumping our shoulders rolling her eyes. Stan got pissed off and gave Greta a dirty look.

Once we got outside I just decided to stop following them around before they think I'm any more of a creep. I awkwardly walked along the building getting my bike off the rack. I watched as the boys dumped their stuff out of their bags. Laughing. Richie was probably making more jokes. God I miss that. Once I got my bike I walked back the other way. Getting to pass them. As I walked pass I overheard their conversation. "You think they'll find her?" Stan asked. I immediately knew who they were talking about. They were looking over at Betty Rimpson's mother. She looked tired. Scared. Crazy.

"Sure in a ditch, all decomposed, covered in worms and maggots, looking like Eddie's mom's underwear" Richie joked. I didn't find it funny. I felt nauseous as I pictured her like that. Remembering us in 5th grade riding our bikes along the sidewalks. Picturing her happy face. Then thinking of her looking lifeless.

"She's not duh-dead she's muh-muh-missing." Bill corrected in a angry tone. Richie looked up at Bill as he pushed his glasses up. "Right, Bill. She's missing"

I turned back and walked faster before they caught a glimpse of me.

Once I was away from their view I walked a normal pace. I put my headphones over my ears and played "Love My Way by The Psychedelic Furs" I stared at my shoes as they hit the pavement with each step. Then all the sudden that picture went to my mind again. Betty. I couldnt hear the music suddenly. Just that picture in my mind. I sped up just wanting to get home.

Once I got to my block I dropped my bike outside. I threw my headphones off my ears hurrying up the steps. I took my black converses off leaving them by the door. "How was school?" Mom called from the kitchen. "I- Good." I said running up to my room.

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