Friend or enemy?

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"Ally , are we in the right path?" Asked Irene. she had long red hair and blue eyes.
"Well, I guess so" answered chestnut haired ally, her purple eyes showing doubtfulness.
"You guess so?"asked Evie, Irene's twin sister. she too had blue eyes but blonde hair. If you had seen the three of them a month ago you would never believe they are friends now. Ally transferred to Irene and Evie's school , The phoenix academy only last month. That's when ally's parents found out she is a magical born. Her older sister studies in phoenix academy so they enrolled her in there too. But Ally wasn't so excited to go to the school as she had to leave her old friends. When Irene and Evie's professor introduced ally, they were really excited to talk to her but when they asked her name that excitement turned into hatred. "Why do I have to tell you?"she asked. This was the beginning of the one month long enemity between them. In this academy three girls were to share a dorm. ( A dorm has three bedrooms ,a kitchen, a common room).

 ( A dorm has three bedrooms ,a kitchen, a common room)

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(Evie's room)

(Irene's room)

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(Irene's room)

(Irene's room)

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(Ally's room)

(Ally's room)

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The twins were to share theirs with ally. That evening ally went to take a bath but accidentally broke the tap. Not knowing what to do, she went to bed hugging her pet rabbit hop. The next day the floor was full of water. The headmaster zephyr came to check who did this. Even though he found ally is the culprit he made all three girls to clean the dorm. The twins were outraged.
"How could he do this to us?" Asked Irene angrily.
"It was all her fault" said Evie.
"If you had shown me around and told me how things work here it wouldn't had happened"ally yelled at them.
"If you had just said your name we would have done that" shouted back Evie.
"You shouldn't have asked me that when I'm in a bad mood"said ally
"How are we supposed to know that you are in a bad mood fool?" Asked Irene.
"Don't call me fool you're the one who is fool" said ally.
"The one who doesn't even know how to talk to others and broke the tap on the first day is a fool" said Evie.
"Is that so? Talk one more bad thing about me and bad things will happen to you" said ally.
"A curse?" Laughed Evie.
"What are you? A witch?"asked Irene joining her sister in laughing.
"I'm a witch" said ally calmly.
"No way" they said in unison.
"A fool like you couldn't be a witch"said Evie.
As soon as she said that, Evie found herself in the air.
"Wwhat"stammered Evie.
"Evie don't talk" instructed her twin sister.
" Ok" she said and after a few minutes she fell hard on the floor.
"That hurts" Evie got to her feet.
"Come on Evie, let's go" Irene said as she went out of the dorm. Evie followed her after giving ally a death glare to which ally stuck her tongue out.
"I never thought such an idiot can be a witch"said Irene.
"Me too" said Evie.
As they were talking the detached leaves from the trees flied towards them and covered them from head to toe. They struggled to get out of the leaves but with no luck. At that time some of their friends came.
"Hey , Irene ,Evie what are you doing?" Asked a purple haired girl.
"This't a good place to play you know?" Said a boy who was with the girl. He had black hair.
"Do we look like we are playing Andrew?" Asked Evie with anger.
"Help us"said Irene.
They came to the twins and Lia waved her hand and they were free.
"Thanks Lia"said Irene.
"It's good that you can control air"said Evie.
"Anyway how did you get into this mess?" asked Lia.
"We got cursed"said Irene.
"How?"asked Andrew laughing.
"I bet her magic is air" said Evie ignoring Andrew.
"Who?"asked Lia.
"Our new dorm mate" said Evie.
"The new girl?" Asked Lia.
"Yeah. Ally Harris"said Irene.
Then they explained everything to the other two.
"I don't think you shouldn't wander around the school with that curse" said Andrew in a serious tone.
"Yeah you should go to your dorm it is dangerous to wander around with it"said Lia with a worried face.
The twins agreed with her and went to their dorm

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