Heartless {Sam + Dean}

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Day 8 of suptober

Sam glanced around the small group he stood with, gaze darting from one boy to the next as they passed around a cigarette, there were only four of them in total it wouldn't be long till it got to him. He probably should say no, Dean would kill him if he smelt even a trace of smoke on Sam's clothing. He probably should say no but he didn't think he could. Maybe the school bell would ring first, though as Sam glanced over his shoulder it seemed the school was perfectly content with sitting in silence.

"Sam?" He turned at the sound of his name, giving a small hum in response.

"Do you want to go get some food with us?" The one boy, Mathew asked.

Sam's lips parted as his gaze darted across Mathew's pale hair, and dark hair, before he looked to the next boy, Jason, and then the next Christian. He finally looked back to Mathew, still unsure how to reply. "What about class?" Sam finally mustered

"It's just history."

That was true, Sam was doing well in history, really well, he could afford to miss one day. More importantly he couldn't disappoint his new friends, it was hard enough being the new kid, again, Sam usually ended up talking with whatever other kid didn't have friends, but this time. These boys were cool.

Besides, it was just one day.

Finally Sam gave a nod of his head, receiving a smile from the other boys. They liked him, he had to keep them liking him.

It was just one day.

That was all Sam could tell himself as he followed his friends, through the school parking lot. He was doing really well in the class, that thought continued as they walked down the street, the group laughing at some dumb joke. John wouldn't find out, Sam would make sure of that.

Sam stopped the moment the other boys did, his gaze going from the cement sidewalk and to the bar they now stood in front of. The building was old, much like the rest of the small town, built from chipping wood, with a sign hanging from the roof that looked on the verge of falling.

"Are you sure we're allowed in?" Sam asked as Christian- maybe his name was Kameron, pushed open the front door.

The other boys laugh, Sam's gaze immediately darting across them. Shit he messed. "It's okay," Mathew said. He rested a hand on Sam's shoulder, leading him into the bar. "My parents own the place."

Sam didn't make another argument, instead allowing himself to be led to a small booth at the front of the building.

"Did you see Cassidy today?" Jason asked as they all took a seat in the booth, Sam facing the front door. It didn't help though as every time he heard it creak his gaze immediately went there as if John would be the next one to walk through. He'd left a few days before, there was no way he'd already be back.

"Yah," Christine? Kameron? Maybe it was Patrick. Replied. "She looked hot."

Sam's gaze went back to his friends, specifically Jason. One of his ears were pierced the black stud clear against his blond hair, would Dean let him get one probably not. Dean would probably kill him for even thinking about it.

"She's a slut." Mathew said

Jason rolled his eyes, "in a hot way."

Mathew opened his mouth to reply, though before he could a loud crash came from behind Sam, followed by men's laughter. The once easy look that had rested across the others face was gone, now replaced by a clear annoyance. "He's back."

"Who-" Sam began as he turned his head, eyes immediately landing on the pool table at the far end of the bar, and then to Dean who was sat on the floor laughing. Shit.

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