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3 Months Before

The stadium erupted into deafening cheers as Gareth Bale received an assist from Cristiano Ronaldo, leading to a beautiful goal. The ball had a stunning top spin as it sunk into the top right corner of the net. Every Real Madrid fan in the stadium turned and embraced each other, screaming with what little voice they had remaining after the intense match. The team finally managed to come out on top, leading against FC Barcelona 1-0, with 1 minute remaining in overtime. There weren't many players on the field left to celebrate with 3 red cards on each team. Marcelo rushed over to Bale's side, jumping on his back, his mouth opened in a wild yell. Bale held his signature heart up, beyond proud of his feat. Iker sprinted across the field to join his joyous team mates, along with James, Kroos, Benzema, and Ramos. The whole team surrounded Bale, squeezing him half to death. This may very well be all of the Real Madrid players' happiest moment in their life. Other players with their blue and red striped kits stood awkwardly to the side, aware of their dire situation. Coming back in one minute was nearly impossible. The game seemed over for all of them.

Noticeably to Bale, someone important was missing from the ecstatic celebration. A major contributor to the goal. Where was Ronaldo?

Bale stopped his cheering and looked curiously for the white jersey with a number 7 on the back. The others seemed to have noticed his absence as well. Their eyes met the crumpled figure on the sideline from where Ronaldo had made his crucial pass. He was still there, only on the ground, laying on his front side. He was so obviously in agony. The fans seemed to have noticed the fallen player at the same time, because the noise ceased, and dead silence ensued.

A nearby reporter with her camera man rushed to Ronaldo's side, because they were the closest to him. As she approached, the woman noticed that he had a bloody nose, which ran like a crimson river onto the grass. She knelt on the ground, struggling to help him turn onto his back, and saw the dazed look on his face. Her brown hair shielded Ronaldo's eyes from the bright sun as she tenderly told him, "The paramedics are on their way. Hold on for a while longer. Can you hear me?" Ronaldo was in too much pain to answer as the woman examined him for any other obvious injuries. He simply nodded in reply.

"Thank-" but before Ronaldo finished, the reporter was shoved away, and was replaced by men with first aid kits in hand, who tended to his possibly broken nose. Behind them stood concerned players from both teams, all wishing Ronaldo nothing but luck. Ronaldo was worried about the extent of his injury. All he knew was that there was blood everywhere, all over his face. He also felt a sharp pain in his ankle. He hoped none would be career ending. If he had tears, he couldn't tell, because they would've disappeared in the blood.

He didn't remember how it happened. One second he was switching the ball to the other side for Bale to receive, and the next he was lying on the grass blinded by wet, warm, rusty smelling blood. Ronaldo didn't even know what happened after his pass, if it led to a goal or not, and he couldn't even hear the cheering because his ears rang in a high pitched squeal. His head throbbed, but he tried his hardest not to show his misery. Anyone would have heard a pin drop as they witnesses the extent of the blood loss from the forward's nose. The crowd sucked in its breath in unison.

A stretcher was being run over to the downed man as Ronaldo tried explaining what hurt, and the paramedics washed his face of the thick red liquid. There was a bitter uncertainty in the air. Exactly how badly injured was he?

The men worked together as they lifted Ronaldo onto the stretcher, and hurried him off the field, into the insides of the stadium.

The 3 whistles filled the air to signal the end of the game. It was a bitter sweet moment for Real Madrid players and fans alike. There was no celebratory cheering, just mild mannered clapping and hushed mumbles. Everyone wondered what would become of the legendary Ronaldo.

End of Prologue

Thanks for reading! Hope you like this story so far. It may not seem related to the description, but trust me, this is the whole foundation of the story. I'll be sure to post the next chapter when I reach 100 reads, and please vote if you like it! The actual chapters will be longer. The romance will follow soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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