Chapter One

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HI HI HELLO!! This is my first shot at a hannigram fic so I'm sorry if there's ever moments where they are slightly ooc. I tried to make them seem more... teenish? Also there's going to be a weird sexual tension between Will and Hannibal that basically manifests as an unspoken challenge between the two to see who can break the others defenses first. >:) anyways enjoy lovelies <3

Every morning was the same.

Will smacked his alarm clock, letting out a groan as he flipped onto his side. He simply could not stand the idea of school that morning, and of course, his mother was having no part of it. He was living in a world where Abel Gideon, Francis Dolarhyde and Mason Verger ruled the school and enjoyed nothing more than torturing other students, he guessed that was athlete treatment. Why in gods name would he ever want to go to school when that ensured his torment for the day?

"Do not hit snooze William!" His mother yelled from their shared bathroom.

He never knew why he bothered to hit snooze when his mother was a walking alarm herself. Not only that, she heard everything. He flipped onto his back and sighed, there really was no point in trying to sleep again because she would, no doubt, enter his room in seconds.

Her footsteps approached his door but Will had jumped out of his bed and made it over to his dresser, pulling out his clothes for the day. She opened the door, a smile on her face.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear you just fling yourself out of your bed... breakfast is on the table, Winston might have ate your bacon though." She smiled and closed the door, leaving to go downstairs and finish up her morning routine.

Will was basically self sufficient now, but his mom relished the little things she could still do for him. He showered and threw on his favorite blue sweater and some khakis, grabbing his bag and heading downstairs to snag whatever was left of his food... which unfortunately wasn't much because as adorable as Winston was, he never waits for Will.

He ate and drove to Beverlys house, picking her up and then Jimmy and Brian. He was far from the mom friend, but they had all ironically chosen Will to be their driver. Maybe it was because of his car, which oddly did seem like something only soccer moms drove, but he didn't often dwell on that. It never seemed to matter to him, though other students had no problem using it against him. When they arrived at school, they parked in their usual spot and went to the cafeteria to get breakfast for Brian who never ate before getting picked up, usually because he slept till the very last minute.

"So... any unusual dreams, Graham?" Bev asked, stealing some of Brian's donut.

Will practically choked on his spit, he'd confided in her about a couple dreams he'd had recently that had shook him to his core. They were harmless dreams for the most part, just him living in a fancy home and writing stories about crimes he hoped would never be committed, but at the end of his dream, Hannibal god damn Lecter would come home... to their house. He wasn't sure what the dream implied, but it felt more like deja vu. He wasn't particularly happy with her random questioning, especially this early in the morning when surrounded by his nozy, but loving frends.

He glared, "No Bev. None. How's Chilton?"

Wack. A hand came crashing down on Will's head as he tried defending himself, Beverly would never stoop so low, but it was funny to joke about it. They had kissed once during a drunken state and they had been playing suck and blow at a party, so it wasn't really on purpose. At least not on Bevs part. Jimmy sighed and looked to Brian who was enjoying himself way too much. Beverly finally settled down and pretended the past few minutes hadn't even occurred. They settled into their usual routine, lounging in the cafeteria until the bell rang and they all headed off to their homerooms. Classes went by fast and nothing really happened except for the occasional teasing from Mason or Francis. In an odd way, they always seemed to be deterred by the presence of Hannibal, which was probably why Will had even dreamt of him in the first place.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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