chapter 1

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This takes place within minutes of the season 13 finale

No one's point of view

Meredith had just told Nathan Megan is alive. Nathan had left to go and see her.

Meredith's POV

I had just told my boyfriend that his ex-fiancee was alive.what a day.

I had decided to go home and drink a lot of tequila when I heard the doorbell ring. Half drunk I made my way to the door to find Nathan standing there.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Megan?" I asked

"I was with her, but I couldn't stop thinking about how I left you," he said

"Oh, you mean how you got in your car and drove away. To go see your ex-fiancee who has been missing for 10 years." I said getting annoyed

"Meredith just listen to me, I went saw Megan and she said that to much has happened that there is no way we are getting back together. She figured out that I had met someone and told me to come and be with you," he said. I couldn't help but look into those green eyes that made me fall in love with him.

"What are you saying that I'm your rebound," I asked. He looked confused.

"Meredith I'm saying that I love you. I'm in love with you Meredith Grey, I have been since I saw you standing at the O.R board the day we met. I don't expect you to say or feel the same way but I needed to let you know before it to late."

I just stood there shocked, I love him I really do but I thought since Megan came back we had ended our relationship. But he loves me.

He starts to turn around and head back to his car.

"Nathan," I say a little louder than normal since he is halfway to his car.He turns around and I run and jump on him with my legs wrapped around his waist, I lean into a passionate kiss. The kiss is sweet and gentle. I pull away and say " I love you too Nathan Riggs" I lean back in for another kiss this one is deeper, I couldn't help but play with his luscious brown hair. This was all I needed, to be here with the man that I love and the man that loves me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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