She's The Girl by McKenzie Decker

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This poem was written by my friend Mckenzie so... TOTAL credit goes to her. I could never write something like this. So... I did NOT write it, Mckenzie did. She wrote it for school and the topic was about violence.


                                                                             She's The Girl

                                                                         By Mckenzie Decker

She's the girl

that everyone knows

the one who talks like you,

the one who laughs like you,

walks in the same hallway,

the same school,

same teachers,

But she's not like you at all.

She's the girl,

she always has a smile on.

The one who helps you with your problems,

cheers you up.

The one with so many friends.

But everyday  she wonders;

"Why am I so alone?" 

She's the girl,

who loves the summer,

like you.

Although she hides in winter

the cuts,

not on her wrists

but on her thighs.

She's the girl,

the really skinny one.

The one who's never hungry.

She's still called names.

Fat and ugly.

They made her this way.


She's the girl,

who cries,

and cries,

and cries at night, about all her insecurities,

imperfections and pain,

the fact that's she's unloved,

and unwanted.

But little does she know

that she's beautiful.

She's the girl,

whom everyone thinks is great,

that everything is fine.

Her family is a mess.




all have hurt her family.

But nobody knows of her troubles.

She's the girl,

who lives her life online,

blogging her story,

hoping that somebody will help.

"Go kill yourself," 

they tell her. 

But they don't know,

she's just swallowed the pills.

So next time you think someone is



or ugly,

just remember;

YOU could be the cause

for the cuts on someone else's body.

She's the girl,

that nobody knows.

She could be the quiet one,

the loud one,

the sad one,

the happy one,


So watch what yo say,

or do,

because you never know,

who the girl might be.

Violence has affected my life because I am very close to many people who are/have been bullied and people who feel so trapped to the point where they're harming themselves. I honestly have a soft spot in my heart for victims of violence related issues such as self harm, anorexia, family issues, and bluues.

Many things can cause violence. Jealousy can cause someone to 'attack' another person in a verbal way. Broad differences that can be easily seen between two people can cause them to hurt eahc other's feelings. Anger that's built up inside can be inappropriatley used against someone who didn't even do anything. Things like that cause violence.

I can prevent violence by being encouraging and friendly to everyone, I will also stand up for anyone who is being bullied. When I'm older, I want to be a trusted adult for teenagers to talk to if they're having issues.


Again, this is NOT mine. This belongs to my friend Mckenzie. She wrote it all herself and I say she did a pretty good job.

I read this at lunch and it almost made my cry. And I never cry at stuff. As I was reading it I was like, people on Wattpad should read this. This made me think about a lot of you and I figured a bunch of you could relate to this.

The three paragraphs at the end was her answering the 3 questions the assignment asked for.

How has violence affected my life?

What are the causes of violence?

What can I do about violence?

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did.

Tell me what you thought in the comments below :3 

She's The Girl by McKenzie DeckerWhere stories live. Discover now