Talking to moxy and a portal found

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Lou was in Uglyville and he saw moxy and wanted to talk to her about his secret
Moxy:hi Lou,how are you doing today"
Moxy said when she was happy to see Lou then he was looking sad about something and moxy hugged him to make him feel better
Lou:moxy,I keep getting this bad dream about being a evil again and there are some black smoke and a girl with blonde,pink and blue hair"Lou said being worried about being evil,and confused because he doesn't know about the girl then moxy was trying to comfort him
Moxy:it's gonna be ok Lou it's just a dream just take a walk and then you will calm down"moxy said calmly and Lou agreed then they said bye and Lou was talking a walk,hours later Lou was in his house and he was in his bed and his nightmare was still in his head and he put his head on a pillow and yelled in the pillow
Lou:UGH GET IT OUT"then Lou saw a gray portal and Lou was shocked and he put his hand in there and he rushed his hand away
Lou:woah,should I go in there?it looks dangerous,but I do want to know what the heck is there"then he walked in the portal and it disappeared

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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