The Dock

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Laughter filled the air as the two girls chucked rocks off the water at the dock, they had gone from skipping them to throwing them in to see who could make the biggest splash with them.

"Watch this!", June yelled, taking one of the bigger ones she found and throwing it into the water. It got pretty far before ultimately falling into the water and making quite a big splash. The two giggled a bunch before sitting down on the dock side by side, removing their shoes and letting their feet dangle into the water.

"Hanging out with you is the best, even if it's just throwing rocks into the lake.", Parah laughed, smiling and looking over to June. June seemed to be just staring off into the sky, smiling. It was slightly rare to see her smile a genuine smile, it made Parah feel warm on the inside.

Parah couldn't help but stare at the upturned corners of Junes lips, seeing her happy was one of the best things she could ever experience. Worry started to quickly wash into Parah's mind though, she'd been meaning to talk to June about something serious, but was worried this would spoil her rare good mood. With June's happiness being that rare it felt like she was betraying her with wanting to talk about feelings, June hated talking about feelings.

"Hey June, I.. uh..."

"What's up Watermelon Macaron? You sound worried."

"Oh it's nothing. I wanted to ask something but.. I didn't wanna spoil your mood, you look really happy."

"Come on, don't bottle that up, you can talk to me." June looked worried now, not acknowledging the hypocrisy of her statement.

Parah looked at her with a 'really?' like expression on her face, causing June to lightly nudge her with her elbow.

"Hey, just tell me what's up. I don't want you to stress okay?"

Parah sighed, turning her head back to the water and staring at the tiniest waves that slowly rocked back and forth in the water. She contemplated for a second if it was really worth it right now to talk about, but it was clear there was most likely not going to be a better time to speak to her about it.

"You're not just with me... because you feel like you need to be in a relationship right?."

Without even looking at June, Parah could tell she was upset and shocked.

"Of course not! Why would you think that?!"

"It's just, sometimes I worry that.. Maybe all I'm good for is emotional support. I know you have a lot going on in your head, stuff you have to work out. You probably don't need this from me right now but, I really do love you June. I've never loved anyone more. But sometimes I worry that people are only around me because I can give them something."

June watched as tears brimmed at Parah, her own face a mixture of disbelief and worry. How could she think that? To June everything about her was perfect, one of the few people that made her heart swell. It practically broke her heart to know she had been feeling like that.

"Par- of course you're not just here for emotional support, sure you're really good at it but, that's not the only reason I have you in my life. I love you for you, not for what you could do for me. I... I don't exactly know how to show my emotions, I'm not.. Good with them. But if there's any emotion that I'm halfway decent at expressing-"

June lifted her hand to Parah's cheek, turning her head to face hers. Both girls' eyes glossy from tears threatening to spill down each girl's face.

"- Is that I love you. Everything about you, and I promise that I'd never be with you for that reason. I couldn't do that to you Macaroon."

Before June could even finish her sentence she found two arms wrapped around her, but that was moments before the two found themselves falling off the dock and into the lake. The two quickly resurfaced and looked at each other with wide eyes, unsure of what to do before laughing.

"What was that!", June giggled.

"I don't know!"

June splashed water toward Parah, who splashed back. The two continued there water war for awhile before climbing back onto the dock and and walking back home, cracking dumb jokes and holding hands the entire way.

A/N: This is mega short, but I don't give a damn it's cute as shit!!

The DockTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon