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01𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟________

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𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟

It was raining the day that they met. Yet, the sky was bright. It was one of those odd days where the sun was still shining so far away, and yet almost close enough to reach out and wrap your fingers around. The clouds weren't dark, but billows of water droplets still fell.

Inside a tired cafe sat Haruna Yume. Her gaze was set on the window across from the small table she sat at, one hand on her now cold cup of hot cocoa and the other grasping a pencil. She'd been there for over three hours now and it had started raining about half an hour ago.

The cafe was almost empty other than the tired girl and an older couple that had come in to escape the sudden downpour. It was nice. Peaceful, really. The perfect setting for Yume to get some work done. Despite this, her mind was blank.

The paper in front of her was much the same. Blank.

Her dark green eyes followed a singular droplet of water as it ran down the window, until it split into two separate droplets. She mentally rooted for the left side to win the race that she had officially started, and she let out a quiet sigh when the right side disappeared at the bottom of the window first.

Finally, she drug her eyes back over to the stark white sheet of paper in front of her. Lately, her inspiration was at an all time low. Yume was finally in her second year of college, an art major. It was her passion and always had been, but she'd been in a slump for roughly three months, after her grandmother passed away.

Since then, she'd failed to finish a single piece of artwork. And her grades were feeling it. The end of the year was nearing, and a final project had been given to the students. So, trying to rid herself of whatever unknown wall was blocking her from doing what she loved, she'd gone out every day that week to try and find inspiration to no avail.

The dark haired girl tapped her pencil lightly against the table, resting her chin on her hand when the cafe door dinged, signaling someone coming in.

"Akaashi! Do you think there is going to be a rainbow?" A voice sounded loudly. A much less enthusiastic response came a few seconds later.

"I'm not sure, Bokuto-san. Maybe."

Yume raised her head curiously to get a glimpse of the people who had just broke the long time silence of the cafe. There were two men standing in the front of the small shop. One of them, a tall man with dark curls and a lean frame was closing up an umbrella as he stepped inside.

Coming in from behind him was the most interesting looking man she'd ever seen. His hair was two-toned, a mix of white and streaks of black. It was wet, signifying that he'd failed to use an umbrella all that successfully before entering the cafe, and it splayed down across his forehead. His eyes were almost yellow, maybe more of a gold. They were beautiful, and the image of Icarus flashed through Yume's mind. He was taller than his companion, and well built with broad shoulders. Yume had no doubt that he had a fine set of muscles under the black hoodie he was wearing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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