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Percy never expected Nico to show up on his doorstep with a sombre look on his face... Hell, he didn't expect him to show up at all, and most definitely not alone.

Percy was playing with his two year old sister Estelle when the doorbell rang. They didn't live in an apartment anymore as Sally and Paul bought a small house near Long Island Sound with money they had saved.

Of course Nico always had a resting brooding face, but the look on his face was too sombre even for him.
It was almost like the look he had when someone was about to die... but who?

"We need to talk." He started just as Percy said,
"Come in Nico."

Percy looked pointedly at him to which he rolled his eyes but stepped into the house.

Percy chuckled as Estelle barrelled into Nico and hugged his legs. Nico in return picked her up. After all who could not like an angel like her.

"Hey Stell! I want to talk to your brother real quick. I'll come back later okay?"

"But I wanna play!" Nico almost wanted to stay. Her doe eyes were almost as worse as Percy's baby seal eyes.
Gladly Percy came to the rescue.

"Stella, why don't you go and help mom with 'Mission Blue cookies'? And tell her Nico is here. Nico's gonna play with you when we come back."

"Okay! I'm gonna help momma!" She jumped down and ran into the kitchen.

Percy crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.
"So... who is it?"

Nico stopped fiddling with his tshirt and looked him in the eyes and sighed.
"It's May... As in Luke's mom May. She's... she's dying. I don't think she'll survive the day. Her spirit is very close to the underworld..." He trailed off.

"And you think we should go and visit?"

Nico shrugged before nodding.

"Okay. I'll go tell my mom that we're leaving."

"Wait! You just agreed? I thought I'd have to knock some sense into you. Considering what Luke did and the last time we only went was to confirm our plan..."

Percy sighed before running a hand through his hair.
"Luke was a hero. It wasn't his fault that he joined Kronos. At the end he did the right thing." He paused before looking back at Nico. "I feel bad for his mom... she deserved better. Both of them deserved better."


They had just arrived at May Castellan's house in Westport, Connecticut. Nico was catching his breath after shadow travelling the both of them while Percy stared at the house they visited before. The small monster figurines were still there albeit a bit dusty and cobwebs forming on them. He could see the light of the lit candles inside.

They knocked on the door to find it already unlocked. They tentatively stepped in and made way to the kitchen where they found May struggling with a tray of burnt cookies which crashed to the ground when she stumbled. Percy ran forward to steady her before she fell. He guided her to a chair and helped her sit down.

"Are you okay Mrs. Castellan?" Nico asked after she had sat down.

"Oh! Luke! You've become shorter... and why do you look so pale? Are you sick?"
She reached out to touch his cheek but he stepped out of the way. Almost instantly she turned to Percy.
"Don't you think he looks sick? I think he should eat more..."

Her cloudy eyes had an even more crazed look than the last time they saw her as she frantically looked around the room.

"Oh! Where are my manners? Sit sit! I made cookies and peanut butter sandwiches. I knew you'd come home. You must be hungry!" She gasped looking at Percy this time and got up and almost ran back to the kitchen mumbling to herself.

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