The start of the journey

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Dark reading mode is recommended for reading this story.

It is in the middle of a dark night, that an icy wind circulates. One that pushes you to the most extreme thrills. Not stopping there, the breeze brings the few leaves that have managed to stay attached to their branch to the ground.

The breeze will soon turn into a whirlwind of destruction, if its intensity continues to grow. Fortunately, the phenomenon will not do more damage.

Further, in the inaccessible darkness of the pitch black, crows are established perched on the trees.

Scanning the surroundings, the felines' worst mistake would be to meet their gaze. Indeed, their unprecedented wingspan of ten meters would scare away the most reckless lion.

Their gaze inspires no glimmer of hope, as well as it transcends the darkness of its deep red.

In this dense jungle, trees are marked. Marked by the claws of dubious creatures, lurking in the shadows. Brands which have for but an interpellation, a warning. But a much unnecessary warning, because once a person's eyes see these marks, its end follows. And no part of her will be found, except for her blood, now coloring the surrounding rocks.

In a quiet corner of the jungle, there is a cabin. The residence is protected by a wooden barrier, lined with a powerful spell.

Unwanted creatures have an interest in keeping a distance. Protected from the darkness of night by the light of the full moon, the house will experience an unexpected event.

A skeletal-looking creature has just entered. His aura does not bode well. This creature gives off nothing except hatred and pain.

It looked like she was in constant pain, a pain soothed by the creation of negative waves.

Barely ten minutes have passed, and yet it was enough for the beast to destroy more than half of the cabin. The disaster is simply unimaginable.

Three people lived in this cabin, so to speak a family. This is indeed Nick's family.

Nick's parents are some of Adrena's most powerful characters. His father being a mighty warrior and his mother a leading magician.

Despite their power, which has forced the respect of all the creatures of Adrena, the fight is against them. Having first succeeded in breaking through the protective barrier, the aggressor brings down two of the greatest powers in the world today.

Nick takes refuge behind his parents, terrified. The 11-year-old does not yet have the strength to defend himself. Also the terrifying sight of this blood red eyed beast had its effect on the boy, he is totally terrified.

With a quick gesture, and to the surprise of the other members of the family, the creature has just given a nearly fatal blow to the father. Having just torn his arm, the victim collapses, face down on the ground, agonizing in his own blood.

Paralyzed, the boy burst into tears. He would like to run away, but his own body is frozen, at least, no longer responds to his orders.

The attacker now directs his steps towards the sorceress, uttering a slight growl. Advancing on its two mud-stained hind legs, it prepares its claws for another slaughter.

His steps are slower, time seems to last forever in Nick's eyes, would he have stopped? Could it be a dream? No, it looks like the end is closer than expected.

Covered with wounds, at the end of her power, the magician will not be able to attempt anything more. She then begins to remove her pendant. A mysterious artifact of which she has not been able to use all the power.

Quickly, she turns to her son, and despite the pain inflicted on him by her mutilated arms, she throws it at him. Due to his condition, he catches him in midair.

- Go away Nick! Does she cry tearfully. Her voice expresses well all the despair of a mother knowing that this is the end, knowing that she will not see her son again, knowing that she has transmitted a terrible power to him. She then gets ready to say her last words.

Suddenly, the beast accelerates. Her gesture suggests that she wants to appropriate the jewel, knowing what is in preparation.

Two meters from her victim, she prepares to deliver the final blow, gaining momentum to tear it apart with her claws.

The young boy intently observes the blue pendant his mother threw at him. The latter is stained with drops of blood from the one who has been for him, throughout his life, the sweetest of living beings.

He looks at his mother again, as she is attacked. Just before the beast can reach her, she utters a word that Nick manages to read her lips.

- Renunciation, she said in a low voice. She added: forgive me my son, I wish you never had such an object, find the strength to forgive me, she said again, her eyes full of tears.

As the animal's claws measured more than a few inches from her body, she completed:

- Relay to Nick Jenesys, Adréna parybus !

At that precise moment, a powerful white light sprang from his body. She subsequently suffered from accelerated aging. The wind begins to turn powerfully around her, which propels the attacker back. He hits a tree so hard that he collapses. The wind around the magician turns so fast that it begins to swirl, an intense heat is born from this activity.

Intense white lights pierce the body envelope of our mage, she continues to scream in pain. Her fine blue hair is now taking on a grayish color. The emerald color of his eyes turns white. His chair disappears little by little, accept a glimpse of his skeleton. And all of a sudden, nothing. No more howling, nor light, nor whirlwind, nor pain.

Lying on the floor, the one who was for Nick the progenitor, the guardian angel and the factor of the most beautiful memories has just died.

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