Chapter 1- Please...

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Warning- Horrible Language may be throughout all of the story.

Vanoss's POV

        I clapped my hands together and rubbed them, as I looked down on the blueprints. "Okay boys, so should we go over the plan one more time?" I asked, MiniLadd, Lui, Moo, Terroriser and Wildcat. "Yeah, we must get this plan perfect, or we're all fucked." Wildcat said. Some of us chuckled. "Okay, Moo, you and Terroriser will bomb the bank with smoke bombs. MiniLadd, you and Wildcat will jump from the helicopter and get the money through vents, 1, 6, and 8. Lui, you and me will be driving the helicopter, but when MiniLadd and Wildcat jump, so will I and I'll guard the front entrance. Everyone clear?" I explained.

"Yes." Everyone said in a sync. "Action time people!" I snapped and everyone got into places.

(Time skip)

        I was guarding the entrance with a knife in my pocket. "Okay, we got the goods, get in the helicopter Vanoss." Wildcat said into my headset. "Right away. Just let me check for any bystanders." I said. "Okay." MiniLadd assured. I turned around and I saw a man, that looked around the same age as me, (he is 22 in here) that was looking at me, with a rotten apple core in his hands. He had a blue, thin hoodie, grey skinny jeans, black converse, and a hockey mask that covered his face. He also looked extremely skinny.

         He must be terrified because I had my owl mask on. I took out my knife and walked over to him. He dropped the apple and slowly walked back word. Every fast step I took forward, he took a slow one back. He eventually hit a wall, of an alley. I grabbed his wrist, put them together and pinned them above his head with one hand and pointed my knife to his stomach, so it was touching it. I was taller and stronger, so I had an advantage.

         "Please don't kill me..." He whimpered. "Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you." I growled. This made him whimper and had a tear roll down his face. "Any last words?" I asked. "No, please, I beg you." He begged. "I'll give you one more chance, give me one reason I shouldn't kill you." I said, tightening my grip on his wrist. "I-I'm homeless. My parents were murdered. I can't tell the police, they'll never believe me!" He pleaded. "Come with me." I said, in a low voice. He nodded his head quickly. I pulled him by the wrist and dragged him to the helicopter.

"What took you so long?!" Lui said in his squeaker voice. "Him." I said, pointing to the man. I took off his mask so that I could see his face. "Why were you on the streets?" Moo asked. "Someone murdered my parents when I was 10. I've been homeless ever since." He explained. The rest of the ride was silence.

(Time Skip, to house.)

When we got to the house we got into the living room and everyone sat down, except the man and Wildcat. "So what's your name?" I asked. "H20Delirious or Delirious, either one would be fine." He said. "What were your parent's names?" Moo asked. "Rosa and Daniel Parks." Delirious said. Wildcat's eyes widened. "What's wrong?" Delirious asked Wildcat. "I-I'm the one who killed your parents..." Wildcat said. Delirious looked like his heart just stopped. "What?" He said. "They were bystanders of a robbery we committed." Wildcat explained. Angry tears started pouring down Delirious's face.

         "You fucking jackass!!!" He screeched, then he attacked Wildcat. Lui and Moo held Delirious back. "YOU MOTHER FUCKING BITCH! YOU'RE SUCH A LITTLE ASS! FUCK YOU!" Delirious screamed with angry tears running down his face. I was sitting on the table, watching this all happen. The insults made Wildcat furious. Wildcat grabbed his pocket knife and stabbed Delirious in the arm. Delirious screamed in pain and fell on the floor, but Moo and Lui still held his arms. "Little faggot!" Wildcat hissed. Delirious started crying again and this time they were tears on sadness. He still had his mask off, so I could tell. "I just want my mom and dad back..." Delirious whispered. "Weak." Wildcat muttered. Lui shot Wildcat a glare, then started to rub Delirious's back. "Shh, shh, it's okay, shh..." Lui cooed. "Thank you..." Delirious said, to Lui. "No problem, now let's clean you up." Lui said and went to get the first aid kit and some food, for Delirious.

How did I do on my first chapter?

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