The First Encounter

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Surely it was some kind of mistake. It just had to be.

That was the only thought thrumming through the brunet male's head at that moment, as his sneakers beat against the waterlogged cement beneath him, which was emitting none too pleasant slapping sounds as he ran. Ran and ran from something, or someone, who he would have usually tried to stand his ground against. At that current moment, he could not bring himself to turn and fight what he was running from.

Call him a coward, but he knew better than to go into a losing battle, especially against something he barely knew anything about. Let alone face it. Come to think of it, what even was he running from? He hadn't even thought about it until now, all he had glimpsed was a gigantic figure, a behemoth of unnatural means with a physique like that of a pro wrestler.

Before he could stop his thoughts completely, he had already thought it.


And as he looked back, he saw nothing, no one was chasing him, no one was even following him. Thinking he was safe, he briefly glanced in the direction he was running, only to react all too late to running into a man, who looked an awful lot like Evan Jennings, but.. different. The dread finally set in when the man spoke, a devilish grin spreading across his pasty, pale complexion.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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