Introduction of mutants

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Kim Namjoon/Polaris

•namjoon can make portals where ever he wants but only in the present time. He can also make force fields

•he can travel through mirrors also but only full body ones.

•hes never had anyone go with him through his portals.

•He is in the most dangerous ward because on his way to the facility he used his portal to bring a running train through the back of a mutant transportation bus and killed the guards and some inmates. He also tried doing it again while they took him to his cell which caused one guard to break their arm.

•his cell is made with special magnetic materials that mess with his portals magnetic fields so namjoon can not create any while hes in there, there is no windows in his cell because if he can see where he wants to go he can try to portal out if he were able to get past the magnetic field.

•he is chained by the wrist to the outer walls, he can only move to sit down or lay down but he can only lay on his back.

•while he was there he was able to make a friend of some sort, someone who had telepathy and telekinesis their name was taehyung.

Kim Seokjin/Metallica (not for the rock band)

•can control any type of metal.

•his eyes glow green and when he uses his powers a light green glow surrounds his hands.

•hes in the dangerous ward because he used his powers while the facility first tried to capture him he grabbed all their guns and opened fire, killing 12 of them, he also threw a car and many other things at them before they were able to capture him.

•they put a special collar around his neck that every time he tries to use his powers it was electrocute him.

•he was the first one in the dangerous ward he is also the oldest of all 7 of them.

•his cell is a wooded and padded cell so he can't try to break through, he can walk around his cell but there is a barrier by the door that his collar will go off if he goes to close to it, there's one window at the top of his cell that allows him to see some sunlight.

•he trys to stay calm and try to build his power by meditation, hes one of the quite ones of the 7, but he yells when his collar goes off, he thinks everyday on how to escape but he has no idea how.

Min Yoongi/ The Demon

he has dark power, when he uses his power his eyes go black but when he's really mad they glow red, he has different types of dark power, he can use his powers as a shield if he is getting attacked, he can also fly but one of his main powers is he can't really die, he can heal himself and others.

•when yoongi is mad there's no going back, when he was put into the facility many guards and workers died getting him in his cell, his powers go beyond what they thought.

•yoongi is also know as The Raven cause he can turn into a shadow bird and go through walls.

•similar to seokjin he also has a collar around his neck, when he thinks about wanting to use his power it shocks him as well, also when his anger is rising it shocks him, sometimes making him more mad.

•since yoongi likes the dark they made his cell bright, they added lights in his cell and made the padding in it white, he also has barriers surrounding him but they are smaller than seokjins, he can only be in the middle of the room, hes not allowed to go by the walls.

•yoongi never really liked people but someone was able to get ahold of him through his mind, he thought he was going crazy till the voice said hes in the cell next to him, his name was taehyung.

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